Dash senior advisor reportedly goes missing with investor funds

Aggrieved investors are trying to track down a former Dash senior advisor who is alleged to have gone missing with investor funds

A senior advisor at Dash Core Group named ‘MooCowMoo’ has allegedly disappeared with the funds of several cryptocurrency investors, according to reports on social media.

The community rallied together at the start of the week to track down the former Dash Core advisor, with a series of posts being shared on the official Dash forum.

“I have been trying since September to get a response from him,” one user wrote.

MooCowMoo was the owner of a ‘Masternode Shares’ service, and the last contact he made with investors was on August 10, when he confirmed that he would be shutting down the service and returning funds.

“So, to address the stress, I’ll be shutting down shares and sending back all deposits to their origination addresses within a week or two as time permits,” he wrote in August.

But MooCowMoo has since gone dark. Even people in his inner circles claim to have not spoken to him since September.

Speculation has pointed towards the idea that MooCowMoo has been “stressed” and “unglued” and that he’s not a scammer, although aggrieved investors have been vocal in their opposition to the ambiguous figure.

On Monday, Dash CMO Fernando Gutierrez denied that MooCowMoo was ever hired by Dash Core Group and that he “left the project years ago”.

However, official documentation reveals that he was previously listed as a “Dash Core Team Member” and a “Dash Core Developer”.

Not an isolated incident

This is of course not the first time a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency community has pulled a potential exit scam, with theft and fraud being rife throughout the industry due to its unregulated nature.

Earlier this year, the QuadrigaCX scandal sent shockwaves across the digital asset ecosystem after the exchange’s CEO, Gerald Cotten, passed away in India, effectively losing millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency locked up in cold wallets.

Two other Canadian exchanges, Wex and MapleChange, also stole millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors after suddenly halting their services in October 2018.

Coin Rivet also reported on the CEO of crypto exchange IDAX going ‘missing’ last week, with the company restricting access to its cold wallet storage.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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