In-play sports betting market to be boosted by 5G technology

The gaming industry could be offered a helping hand by the ongoing rollout of 5G technology which is expected to increase in-play sports betting trends

The ongoing implementation of 5G technology throughout the UK is set to increase the amount of traffic towards in-play and in-stadium sports betting markets, according to Paysafe Chief Business Development Officer Daniel Kornitzer.

A report on Gambling Insider reveals a survey of 7,000 customers in the US, UK and Germany suggests that 54% of players will be more likely to bet more in-play on mobile platforms when the rollout of 5G is completed.

“There’s no question 5G will increase business because there’s latent demand; people want it and until now the technology wasn’t reliable,” Kornitzer said.

“If the play happens before you place your bet, it’s frustrating, but if the technology works every time and is reliable, I think the demand is going to be there and I think it’s a great opportunity for operators; it’s definitely going to grow business.”

The gaming industry is in need of a boost following a tough start to the year, with tighter regulations cutting into the revenue of the sector.

Technological advancements like 5G, coupled with focus on safer gambling controls, will most likely be what the industry needs to turn a corner over the coming months.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal in November, 5G technology looks set to boost the “fledgling” US sports betting market that has been hit hard by regulatory scrutiny and strict federal laws.

One of the major issues with in-play sports markets is that low-speed mobile connection often can’t cope with high-paced sports like football and basketball.

UK sportsbook providers have attempted to reinvigorate the in-play market by offering promotional content like free bets and other rewards, but if the technology is insufficient the efforts may be in vain.

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