Discord CEO teases Ethereum sign-in integration via Web3 wallets

The introduction of the feature was met with hostility on Twitter from Discord users against the use of Ethereum-based Web3 technologies

Discord founder and CEO Jason Citron has teased a potential Web3 integration that would see Discord users be able to “sign-in” to the popular community platform using a Metamask or WalletConnect wallet.

Cirton replied to a blog that speculated on the future of Discord with an image showing a test version of the app that shows the Discord and Ethereum logos alongside connection prompts for the two popular Web3 wallets.

The integration would enable users of Web3 wallets to “sign in with Ethereum” and use their wallet or ENS address to access Discord, thus enabling a decentralised method of signing in to the platform.

Citron also commented that the integration was “probably nothing” – a comedic saying in the crypto community that implies the news is worth paying attention to.

When questioned further on the integration, Citron noted that the feature was in “pre-release“. He also noted that the Discord team was addressing “spam and security” on the platform, saying it was “a top priority for us in this space” and that Discord has “recently spun up team working on it specifically”.

The feature was however met with hostility on Twitter from users of Discord, with many saying they plan on cancelling their premium subscription – dubbed ‘Nitro’ – to protest the introduction of cryptocurrency wallets.

A Reddit thread was also formed, encouraging the developers of Discord to “not support NFTs”.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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