Bitcoin meetups attract over 1.6 million crypto fans

Bitcoin groups top the list of meetups globally, while Ethereum communities take second spot. EOS and Bitcoin Cash groups also bring together thousands of people

People interested in cryptocurrencies are attending forums in their millions, according to the Meetup website.

Its research reveals that as of 14th October 5,568 Bitcoin forums have taken place around the world with over 1.6 million attendees. There has, meanwhile, been a steady increase in the number of groups that focus on Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and EOS.

Crypto groups are mostly located in technology centres such as Palo Alto and Mountain View in California. There are approximately 35,000 registered Bitcoin meetup members in Palo Alto and 15,400 in Mountain View.

In India’s tech hub Banglore there are about 6,400 registered Bitcoin members, placing this city in the top ten list, according to Other cities with a large number of members include New York and San Francisco in the USA, and Toronto, Canada.

The list also includes European cities such as Amsterdam, Paris, and Zurich.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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