EXCLUSIVE: Genesis Mining talks new crypto wallet

At Malta Blockchain Summit, Coin Rivet spoke to the CEO and Co-founder of Genesis Mining about the launch of its universal crypto wallet that will make it easy for anyone to convert fiat to cryptocurrency, one crypto to another and back to fiat

Marco Streng is a mathematician who began mining from home in 2011. Since then, he has come a long way. He is the CEO and Co-founder of Genesis Mining, which today is one of the most important mining operations in the world, rivalled only by China’s Bitmain.

Coin Rivet recently spoke with him in an exclusive interview. “What can we say about Genesis in Coin Rivet that has not already been said all over the internet. Come on Marco, we’re waiting for a good, exclusive story,” we demanded.

Streng replied: “Well, I think there is something, but wait, I’m not sure whether I can say that because it’s still quite…”

“We promise not to tell anybody,” Coin Rivet said, and the ice was well and truly broken.

Crypto wallet for millions

“I’m very excited that we’re coming out with the Genesis (crypto) wallet, which will give everyone, all our users, the possibility to receive their coins directly into centre coins in a very convenient way,” said Streng. “A wallet that is capable of various cryptocurrencies and very easy to use.”

He did not want to give up too much information. However, he explained that the new wallet, to be launched soon, will allow users to hold any cryptocurrency and exchange it seamlessly into any other crypto and fiat.

Streng smiled when asked if it would be a hack-proof wallet. “It just doesn’t exist in this world, unfortunately,” he stated.

“However, there have been many stress tests of our systems, so we’re doing all we can. And, of course, we will use the highest security standards in the market,” he assured.

Genesis Mining expects its wallet will be used by its two million customers and many more, he concluded.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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