Irish giving blockchain jobs the swerve, new research

A lack of understanding of how the technology works is holding Irish people back from pursuing a career in the blockchain space

75% of the Irish population would not consider a career in blockchain technology, according to a study carried out by Amárach Research for Wachsman and involving 1,000 people.

Despite the likes of Deloitte and Mastercard announcing blockchain-related jobs in Dublin over the past two years, a lack of knowledge and education in how the tech works is holding Irish people back.

Respondents between the ages of 25-34 were most likely to pursue a career, with 38% prepared to embrace the challenge.

“The findings of this study are remarkable. Ireland boasts one of the most highly-skilled and educated workforces in the world, yet most Irish people would not consider a career in blockchain because they don’t feel they have the ‘right’ background,” says Wachsman CEO and Founder David Wachsman.

“While blockchain is a new technology, the concepts, use cases, and applications for implementation can be learned. The quality and quantity of research materials, educational guides, and news coverage on blockchain usage — all the way from startups to blue chip enterprises — are increasing by the day.” 

It’s important to realise that a career in blockchain stretches far beyond requiring a computer science, business, or finance degree, he adds. “Industry newcomers in Ireland can be professionally trained and educated on the disruptive power and potential of blockchain because it is quickly becoming among the most significant career opportunities of our generation.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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