Orlo eyes blockchain for social media initiative

UK customer experience technology company, Orlo, has developed an integrated social, live chat and CRM platform

The launch client is Ocado, with other customers including Iceland, Laura Ashley, Jojo Mama Bebe, Blue Inc, Hamleys Toys and Hillary’s Blinds. 

Orlo is working on blockchain technology that allows the exporting of social media conversations so that they can’t be tampered with, delivering new levels of governance and auditability, according to Ben Nimmo, Co-founder and CTO.

“It’s now firmly accepted that emotion drives behaviour, summarised perfectly by Maya Angelou when she said, people don’t always remember what you said or even what you did, but they always remember how you made them feel,” Nimmo comments.

He flags up Harvard Business Review 2018 research, which found that 95% of purchase-making decisions are driven subconsciously by emotion. Similarly, the Forrester Customer Experience Index 2018 identified “emotion” as a key pillar of customer service and sales, and that when customers feel valued and appreciated, 87% become advocates and 74% remain with the brand.

“So, if brands want to be there instantly, effectively and meaningfully when their customers need them most, they can create amazing online experiences and inspire positive emotions, influencing behaviour at scale. Those behaviours might be to turn your social media followers and website visitors into customers, to turn your most satisfied customers into your biggest advocates, or to encourage those that matter to see online as the best way to speak to you,” Nimmo comments.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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