Former Mozilla COO joins Stellar Development Foundation

Denelle Dixon will start work on 1st May

The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) has named Denelle Dixon as its Executive Director and CEO.

The Co-Founder and current Executive Director, Jed McCaleb, will now take on the role of Chief Architect, where he will focus on the network protocol and Stellar’s adoption strategy.

“We’re thrilled to have Denelle lead the Stellar Development Foundation through its next phase of growth,” says McCaleb. “Her long experience leading operations and business at Mozilla, as well as her work on the policy side, with advocacy around Open Internet and encryption and privacy, will be indispensable to SDF in the coming years.”

Dixon previously served as COO of Mozilla, where, according to a press release, she headed up the organisation’s “ongoing fight for net neutrality and the global effort to ensure that people can control their personal data. She also pushed Mozilla to understand how to partner with commercial entities while staying true to its core mission of openness, innovation, and opportunity on the web.”

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