AT&T introduces blockchain solutions to track and manage information

The telecoms giant says the solutions include technology from Microsoft and IBM and will benefit users in manufacturing, retailing and healthcare industries

The telecoms giant AT&T has introduced a range of blockchain solutions which will allow enterprises across industry to manage information more effectively.

The announcement was made on its website.

Solutions include technology from Microsoft and IBM which will benefit users in industries including manufacturing, retail and healthcare.

By combining its edge to edge capabilities with distributed ledger technology it will provide monitoring and automation to a variety of businesses processes.

For example, manufacturing companies can track movement of goods through factories and keep an eye on product quality throughout the process using the technology.

Reduce waste

Retailers can reduce waste and unwanted stock and ensure product authenticity, while healthcare organisations can use the products to support secure sharing of patients records and directories.

AT&T’s consulting team design and manage solutions using both IBM’s DLT platform and Microsoft Azure.

IBM Blockchain supports a number of industry uses including logistics and supply chain.

Andy Daudelin, vice-president of AT&T’s Business’s Alliances Business Development, explained: “Blockchain is far more than just bitcoin or cryptocurrency. It’s transforming the way many companies conduct business.”

Blockchain improves security and enables better management of transactions through complex processes.

He added: “Utilising our global network and IOT (Internet of Things) capabilities, AT&T enhances blockchain by providing edge-to-edge solutions that automate the tracking and that can even monitor the environmental conditions throughout the process.”



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