BBVA, Banco Santander join EU blockchain initiative

The IATBA aims to bring together companies interested in exploring the potential of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies to transform digital services at a global level

Spain’s BBVA and Banco Santander are among the first five banks to join the EU International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (IATBA) project. The other FIs have not been disclosed.

According to a BBVA press release, the IATBA will launch in Q1 2019. The main aim is to develop EU blockchain regulation and help usher in EU-wide blockchain applications.

In the press release Carlos Kuchkovsky, Head of Research & Development New Digital Business, BBVA stresses the important role the project could have in terms of establishing blockchain best practice and standards and at avoiding fragmentation on a European level. He also believes that Europe is well positioned – with its current level of data protection and privacy management – to influence global standards.

Kuchkovsky adds that blockchain is not only a technology, but it also engenders new business models, creating a “tokenized economy” and “paving the way to a decentralised economy in the future…At BBVA we fully support this initiative and are ready to get to work.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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