Critics cry ‘no ball!’ over Australian cricketer’s endorsement of ICO

Former international captain Michael Clarke facing a barrage of Twitter deliveries from fans and experts claiming he hasn't done his homework before involvement

Australian cricketer Michael Clarke has come under fire from his countrymen after throwing his weight behind an ICO.

The former international star has been endorsing Brisbane-based Global Tech and promoting its initial coin offering on Twitter.

But cricket fans Down Under have come out in force to sledge the ex-Australia captain.

Clarke took to Twitter endorsing the ICO next to a marketing graphic stating “exciting times ahead”.

“I am really excited to be involved with Global Tech,” he told his 2.2m followers

“Their ambition and drive is something that I resonated with straight away and I can’t wait to learn more about blockchain technologies.”

Clarke was perhaps not expecting the short deliveries that followed, with many fans – of both cricket and cryptocurrency – suggesting he was a little out of his depth.

Investor and commentator John Hempton was first up to the crease of criticism with “ex Australian cricket captain in an ICO. Suggest Mr Clarke you just buy sandpaper. It will do less damage to your reputation…”

Industry expert Angus C de Crespogny was next up to bat, offering some advice on google research ahead of investments.

He offered: “Michael, as someone who’s been in the industry for five years may I suggest you 1. Google Floyd Mayweather, DJ Khaled, ICOs and fraud   2. Maybe get a second opinion on PR and legal separate from whoever is currently advising you.”

The Twitter responses continued on a long thread, but many were unsuitable for publication here.

It’s also unclear what endorsement fee Clarke may have commanded for using his celebrity sportsman image, but he has been listed on the Global Tech website as its sole ambassador which lines him up for a paycheck if the ICO hits its funding target.

Global Tech is capping out at $50m and it is offering four per cent of generated funds to ambassadors. Currently, the project is still falling shy of $5m.

See Coin Rivet’s full list of ICO guides here.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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