A film about Bitcoin is being released this year under the title of “Crypto”. What will the film highlight? Perhaps issues of privacy in today’s creeping surveillance state? Maybe the effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis that the world continues to see in our politics? Nope. Of course, Crypto the movie has to be about money laundering and those pesky Russians!
It might sound a bit harsh to judge a film by a trailer, but having suffered through two minutes of the Crypto trailer, I can’t help but think they are two minutes I will sadly never get back. What could have been an interesting film looking at the intricacies of cryptocurrencies and their philosophical underpinnings is instead getting the Hollywood treatment. With Russian hysteria maxed out in the US, it makes perfect sense to create a crime thriller based on them laundering money through Bitcoin.
Never mind that each week we see news of banks – the same ones that caused the 2008 Financial Crisis – committing more money laundering crimes and facing fines that are merely a pinch in the pocket.
But alas, we should hodl off judgement until the film is released and see how they portray “crypto”. The film trailer could have been worse as well. They could have portrayed the idea of cryptocurrency traders being akin to flash rich boys splurging their money on stupid items a la the fake forex traders that have become prominent on Twitter and YouTube who flash their Gucci bags. That truly would have been painful.
If you can’t tell, my hopes are not high for the future of films that involve cryptocurrencies. Whilst there are many faults within the space, it is unlikely Hollywood will ever understand the nuances to create an interesting and gripping story. Instead, we can expect the easy Hollywood treatment of the usual issues that critics point to, mainly money laundering and illegal activity.
Denver, Colorado, 24th February 2025, Chainwire
Denver, Colorado, 20th February 2025, Chainwire
Washington, D.C., 18th February 2025, Chainwire
Dubai, UAE, 27th January 2025, Chainwire
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George Town, Grand Cayman, 22nd November 2024, Chainwire