Day one of #BlockchainAIMalta a huge success

'Blockchain & AI: Where are they taking us?' addressed some huge questions for technology leaders on the opening day in Attard

Malta’s ‘Blockchain & AI: Where are they taking us?’ conference kicked off in style today with a claim that the world’s laws are being forced into radical change by the unstoppable advance of blockchain.

Tel Aviv-based crypto and blockchain lawyer Aviya Arika opened the Coin Rivet-backed event with the claim that blockchain was “creating a new earth” in the way it was shaping the world’s laws, regulations and legal systems.

She was then followed on stage by University of Nicosia blockchain expert professor Soulla Louca who led the ‘Decentralised Forum’ panel – a group of academics and practitioners discussing the impact and future of blockchain technology.

The panel included Godfrey Baldacchino, Professor of Sociology at the University of Malta; Joseph Debono, Senior Advisor at Zeta; Gordon Pace, professor at the University of Malta’s Department of Computer Science; David Galea, CEO of the BEAT Group; and Philip Mifsud, CEO at Meta Luminor and President of the Malta Decentralised Chapter.

The day ended with a free public lecture by Soulla Louca on the basics and potential future implications of blockchain.

Quotes of the day

Filmed sessions from the first day of the conference at Attard’s lavish Villa Bologna will be made available on in the next few days, but here’s a selection of quotes as a taste of what you may have missed if you weren’t there today…

“The very point of law was about creating social harmony – but can we achieve this through technology?” – Joseph Debono

“We sit here talking about the future when two thirds of the world’s population don’t even have the internet.” – Philip Mifsud

“It is up to us as technology leaders to hold and protect the future for the sake of our children.” – Soulla Louca

Blockchain can be used in places like Africa where it can offer security around micropayments.” – Aviya Arika

Day two of the conference begins at 8.15am on Friday October 11 with a series of presentations and panel discussions, together with networking opportunities.

Tickets for Friday’s session are still available on the door at a reduced rate of €150+VAT.

More information can be found online at or at

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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