International Animal Rescue accepts crypto donations

People can now donate cryptocurrency to save animals, with the charity International Animal Rescue has started accepting crypto donations for its work.

Currently, the charity is using an Exodus account and can receive Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Binance Coin, Tezos, Hoge Finance and Polkadot among many others.

First established in the UK in 1989, International Animal Rescue has established itself around the world through causes such as: putting an end to dancing bears in India; halting the killing of migratory birds in Malta; ending illegal primate trading and improving dog and cat welfare in India.

The charity has said that the crypto donations will help go towards a new project they are setting up in Costa Rica.

The project, a collaboration with Refuge for Wildlife, will be used to improve the Nosara based refuge centre in Guanacaste province.

This isn’t the first time charities have accepted cryptocurrency donations. Back in 2019, The Office star Rainn Wilson asked cryptocurrency enthusiasts to donate to the Mona Foundation.

Speaking at the time Wilson said that he hoped crypto enthusiasts would donate their tokens to the charity which works to protect women and girls.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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