My Net Doctor signs up to MediConnect’s blockchain platform

MediConnect, the developer of a framework blockchain solution to trace and manage prescription medication, has partnered with popular online pharmacy My Net Doctor.

The UK-based independent online pharmacy provides a number of online healthcare services, including online consultations with doctors and dispensing of private prescriptions.

‘My Net Doctor currently has a userbase of over 10,000 people, issues around 1,000 prescriptions a month, and registers about 80 new patients to its website every day.

It joins UK Meds, another online pharmacy partner currently being integrated into the Proof-of-Concept (“PoC”) platform, to extend the reach of MediConnect to over 210,000 patients.’

My Net Doctor will now also be integrated into the MediConnect PoC platform ahead of the launch of a pilot scheme in 2020 with up to 10 online pharmacies in total, a press release states.

MediConnect’s blockchain platform has been designed to trace medication all the way through the supply chain from the point at which it is manufactured to its prescription by medical professionals and purchase by patients.

MediConnect’s private, permissioned distributed ledger will store confidential customer prescription data and provenance data for medicines, which will prevent the misuse and overprescribing of prescription drugs, whilst a public blockchain will be used to transact value using MEDI tokens.

Genevieve Boateng, director of My Net Doctor, said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with MediConnect to integrate their innovative solution to trace medication and manage patient prescription records.

“As an online pharmacy, we understand the importance of protecting our patients’ safety and ensuring they are prescribed the correct medication in the right amount.

“We have been extremely impressed with demonstrations of MediConnect’s blockchain solution and look forward to working with them to improve the security and transparency of our processes.”

Dexter Blackstock, CEO of MediConnect, added: “My Net Doctor has built a strong customer-base by placing its patients at the heart of everything it does, and the integration of MediConnect will add the most secure safeguards against the abuse of prescription medication

“We have now started to onboard online pharmacies onto our Proof-of-Concept platform and continue to make great progress ahead of our pilot next year.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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