Des mouvements latéraux continus sans déclin ? Des mouvements latéraux continus sans déclin ?

Des mouvements latéraux continus sans déclin ?

6 years ago
Dominic Frisby

It’s Groundhog Day in crypto. One day the sector moves up by a little. The next day it declines by…

 EXCLUSIF : Charles Hoskinson, co-fondateur d'Ethereum, vise les maximalistes de Bitcoin EXCLUSIF : Charles Hoskinson, co-fondateur d'Ethereum, vise les maximalistes de Bitcoin

EXCLUSIF : Charles Hoskinson, co-fondateur d'Ethereum, vise les maximalistes de Bitcoin

6 years ago

Charles Hoskinson started mining Bitcoin back in 2011, before going on to work alongside Dan Larimer in creating Bitshares and…

 L'avenir est une solution mixte de demi-fiat et demi-crypto, mais il faut lui donner du temps L'avenir est une solution mixte de demi-fiat et demi-crypto, mais il faut lui donner du temps

L'avenir est une solution mixte de demi-fiat et demi-crypto, mais il faut lui donner du temps

6 years ago

In 1980, a young Thomas Power walked into his first job. It was behind the delicatessen counter at his local…

 Dominic Frisby apporte son analyse crypto exclusivement à Coin Rivet Dominic Frisby apporte son analyse crypto exclusivement à Coin Rivet

Dominic Frisby apporte son analyse crypto exclusivement à Coin Rivet

7 years ago

He's a renowned stand-up comedian, an actor, voice-over artist, had his own TV show and wrote a successful book about…

 Chris Skinner : Fatigué vieux Bitcoin est une force épuisée, mais l'âge de l'Ethereum est à l'aube Chris Skinner : Fatigué vieux Bitcoin est une force épuisée, mais l'âge de l'Ethereum est à l'aube

Chris Skinner : Fatigué vieux Bitcoin est une force épuisée, mais l'âge de l'Ethereum est à l'aube

7 years ago

Chris Skinner, the author and authorative and respected FinTech writer, says it is a “red herring” to associate money launderers…

 Blockchain est grand au Bahreïn, les entreprises doivent agir maintenant Blockchain est grand au Bahreïn, les entreprises doivent agir maintenant

Blockchain est grand au Bahreïn, les entreprises doivent agir maintenant

7 years ago

The government of Bahrain has hailed blockchain technology as one of the most important advancements of recent years and urged…

 Nuggets choisis pour Lafayette Plug and Play Business Accelerator Nuggets choisis pour Lafayette Plug and Play Business Accelerator

Nuggets choisis pour Lafayette Plug and Play Business Accelerator

7 years ago

UK-based e-commerce payments and ID venture, Nuggets, is to join the Lafayette Plug and Play business accelerator programme. It is…

 Yahoo ! va tout crypto ! Yahoo ! va tout crypto !

Yahoo ! va tout crypto !

7 years ago

Yahoo! has announced a major crypto push. The world’s sixth largest website has included cryptocurrency news, tickers, including the price…

 Les Britanniques ne reçoivent pas криптовалюты, recherche IW Capital Les Britanniques ne reçoivent pas криптовалюты, recherche IW Capital

Les Britanniques ne reçoivent pas криптовалюты, recherche IW Capital

7 years ago

As Bitcoin reaches the 10th year since its launch announcement by Satoshi Nakamoto, IW Capital has commissioned research, involving 2,007 respondents,…

 Alibaba en tête de la liste des brevets de la blockchain Alibaba en tête de la liste des brevets de la blockchain

Alibaba en tête de la liste des brevets de la blockchain

7 years ago

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has nabbed the top spot, ahead of IBM, on a new iPR Daily list that ranks…

 Apple commande Coinbase pour extraire War Riders de l'App Store Apple commande Coinbase pour extraire War Riders de l'App Store

Apple commande Coinbase pour extraire War Riders de l'App Store

7 years ago

Apple has ordered Coinbase to remove the crypto collectible game War Riders from its iOS wallet’s listing after it enabled…

 Le nouveau président colombien promet de lutter contre la corruption avec la blockchain Le nouveau président colombien promet de lutter contre la corruption avec la blockchain

Le nouveau président colombien promet de lutter contre la corruption avec la blockchain

7 years ago

Colombian President Ivan Duque has reiterated electoral campaign plans to use blockchain technology to combat corruption. Duque, who was sworn in…

 Arab Jordan Investment Bank remet la chaîne de blocs PoC Arab Jordan Investment Bank remet la chaîne de blocs PoC

Arab Jordan Investment Bank remet la chaîne de blocs PoC

7 years ago

ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS) has been working with Arab Jordan Investment Bank (AJIB) on a blockchain proof of concept (PoC). This was…

La grande sortie de Google un pas en avant pour la blockchain

7 years ago

Google’s involvement in blockchain won’t single-handedly bring the technology into the mainstream, but it will help enterprises streamline the development…

Mansion va sur le marché à Malte pour 550 BTC et une chance de faire l'histoire

7 years ago

Malta's seemingly unstoppable rise as the world's leading blockchain hub stepped up a gear today as one of the island's…

La blockchain « pourrait être la première révolution mondiale alimentée par Internet »

7 years ago

Off the back of the release of PwC’s Global Blockchain Survey 2018, which highlighted that 84% of companies are now…

La province sud-coréenne s'associe à Orbs pour lancer sa propre криптовалюты

7 years ago

The government of a South Korean province has partnered with Israeli blockchain startup Orbs to create its very own cryptocurrency.…

Debitum Network prépare une solution de financement alternative basée sur la blockchain

7 years ago

Having raised $17 million in its initial coin offering, Lithuanian FinTech, Debitum Network, is officially launching its platform, which connects…

Crypto avec attitude : Bitcoin mentionné sur le nouvel album Eminem

7 years ago

Eminem has become the latest musician to give Bitcoin a popular culture boost, mentioning it in a song on his…

Walmart construit une armée de robots de livraison hautement sécurisés alimentés par la blockchain

7 years ago

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has published a document explaining Walmart’s patent application for a system that involves…

Nouriel Roubini rejette les ICOs et claque la blockchain comme « fraude du siècle »

7 years ago

Talk about the ability to bring a whole industry together, even if it's for all the wrong reasons. Well, Nouriel…

Le côté italien Serie C marque une première mondiale avec l'achat de криптовалюты

7 years ago

Quantocoin have made another football investment made entirely in cryptocurrency. Last month, we reported how the owner of Gibraltar United…

Asie à la recherche d'une forte augmentation de 50 % des emplois liés à la crypto et à la blockchain

7 years ago

Asia has seen a 50% increase in jobs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector since last year, according to London-based…

La demande de compétences en blockchain aux États-Unis a surpassé toutes les autres au T2 2018

7 years ago

Blockchain has undoubtedly revolutionised the world we live in, sparking changes, interest and hype around the world. However, that’s not…

Les mots de passe de porte-monnaie crypto peuvent désormais être transformés en ADN et stockés dans des tubes de test

7 years ago

Biology and data technology have collided to produce a crypto password encased within strands of DNA. The mind-boggling science is…

La Russie est sur le point de réprimer les violations des droits des travailleurs avec des contrats intelligents

7 years ago

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is planning to implement blockchain technology to keep track of information related…

L'Inde craint que sa politique d'échanges ne forcent les talents et les emplois ailleurs

7 years ago

The Reserve Bank of India fears its recent stern policies towards cryptocurrency may be a mistake. The RBI yesterday published…

Hong Kong s'efforce de faciliter l'immigration pour les experts de la blockchain et des FinTech

7 years ago

Hong Kong has unveiled new immigration rules for job seekers from around the world who have knowledge and expertise in…

Les ministres russes complotent pour arrêter l'avancée de la криптовалюты

7 years ago

Ministers within the government of Russia want to make ICOs and cryptocurrencies illegal, according to Coin Rivet sources. As the…

« L'opération Cryptosweep » des États-Unis et du Canada donne lieu à plus de 200 enquêtes

7 years ago

US and Canada’s so-called “Operation Cryptosweep” has resulted in more than 200 investigations into initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crypto-related…

Lloyd's de Londres assure une société de cryptographie contre le vol et la destruction

7 years ago

Lloyd’s of London has provided Kingdom Trust with secured insurance coverage to protect the digital currency they store for investors…

Moscou utilisera la blockchain d'Ethereum pour la saison du marché des agriculteurs

7 years ago

The government of Moscow has announced plans to use Ethereum-based smart contracts to create a system for allocating trading spaces…

L'Université Woolf demande une accréditation à Malte pour la première institution basée sur la blockchain

7 years ago

Oxford University research fellow Joshua Broggi is seeking accreditation in Malta to establish the world’s first blockchain-powered university. Local news…

Bank of America est en train de devenir crypto ?

7 years ago

Bank of America (BofA), arguably one of the largest blockchain patent applicants in the US, has filed for another patent…

L'Iran est prêt à lancer une криптовалют contrôlée par l'Etat pour esquiver les sanctions

7 years ago

Iran has announced plans to launch a state-controlled cryptocurrency that will be backed by the rial and developed on the…

John McAfee a été confirmé comme conférencier principal pour le Malta Blockchain Summit

7 years ago

John McAfee has been revealed as the surprise key speaker at November's Malta Blockchain Summit. As the small but densely-populated…

Une enquête montre que quatre entreprises sur cinq souhaitent être plus impliquées dans la blockchain

7 years ago

A survey by UK auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) reveals that most companies are keen to incorporate blockchain technology into their future,…

Corée du Nord tiendra une conférence de crypto et blockchain en Octobre

7 years ago

North Korea is reportedly planning to host the country’s first blockchain and cryptocurrency conference. The US-sanction-hit country is intending to…

Graph Blockchain s'est mis sur le marché qui pourrait coûter 15,5 $ Tn en cinq ans

7 years ago

Graph Blockchain (GBC) claims it has become a leading blockchain-based solution provider in data management for global logistics - a…

« Crypto-currency encore incomprise », interview de Mistertango

7 years ago

Despite a crypto exchange sector-wide need and desire for a consensus on regulation, we won’t see it just yet. That’s…

Bank of America demande encore un autre brevet de blockchain

7 years ago

Bank of America (BofA), has filed a patent for a blockchain-based crypto storage system, according to a document published by the US Patent…

MAS et SGX font équipe avec Deloitte, Nasdaq sur le règlement des actifs de blockchain

7 years ago

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) have partnered  with Anquan, Deloitte and Nasdaq to harness blockchain…

Blockchain alimente Pure Diamond Lab transparence push

7 years ago

Tokyo-headquartered Pure Diamond Lab is tapping blockchain technology to track the production, refinement and appraisal of its lab grown diamonds. “Information…

Blockchain clé de l'avenir du commerce de détail, Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance

7 years ago

New technologies such as blockchain, automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are key investment priorities within the retail…

WWF Italie accepte maintenant des dons sur la blockchain

7 years ago

WWF Italy has joined AidCoin's AIDChain ecosystem, giving people the chance to donate in 23 cryptocurrencies. WWF has committed to spend the entirety of…

Revolut dévoile une nouvelle carte de débit métallique compatible crypto

7 years ago

London-based FinTech unicorn Revolut is launching a new metal debit card. Users can earn up to 1% cashback on payments in any…

BIS Research prédit de grandes choses pour le marché mondial de la blockchain automobile

7 years ago

The volume of the global automotive blockchain market size is set to hit $1.6 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR…

Bitcoin et le beau jeu : eToro salue l'accord historique

7 years ago

UK-based trading platform eToro has inked a landmark advertising deal with seven Premier League footballclubs. This will be paid in Bitcoin and…

GlobalData lance un coup d'avertissement aux télécoms dans le cadre d'une mission blockchain

7 years ago

As they struggle with dwindling revenue and profitability, telcos are looking to build new capabilities to capitalise on a massive…

L'exploitation minière de Bitcoin ne crée pas de crise environnementale

7 years ago

Critics are exaggerating and oversimplifying the impact Bitcoin mining’s electricity consumption is having on the environment, a clean technology researcher…

SBI Holdings soutient LastRoots malgré l'examen de l'ASL

7 years ago

SBI Holdings has made an undisclosed investment in controversial cryptocurrency exchange LastRoots. This follows an initial capital injection in December 2017, with the aim…

Barclaycard annonce un nouveau réseau de blockchain B2B

7 years ago

Barclaycard is teaming with Ethereum blockchain startup Crowdz to create a system for speedy transactions for businesses and institutions. “Under…

Le moment est venu pour Everipedia de s'occuper de Wikipédia

7 years ago

Everipedia, a rival to Wikipedia, has gone live, boasting over six million articles. The venture taps blockchain technology to reward users with cryptocurrency.…

Parfois, l'égalité ne semble même pas être un point sur l'horizon de la blockchain

7 years ago

I love lists. I enjoy order, and I simply adore spreadsheets. There, I’ve said it. Now that’s out of the…

Lumières, appareil photo, action : Demand Film rend le jeu de crypto

7 years ago

Australia-based cinema-on-demand distributor, Demand Film, has launched a cryptocurrency, called Screencreds, to reward users who watch and promote trailers for…

Ripple annonce les partenaires d'échange xRapid

7 years ago

Blockchain startup Ripple has selected three cryptocurrency exchanges to facilitate xRapid – its cross-border payments solution that uses the digital…

L'homme qui « a perdu » 125 millions de livres en Bitcoins veut maintenant £250 pour une interview rapide

7 years ago

This is a tale of greed, loss and disappointment, smiley face emojis and spectacular ineptitude, writes Coin Rivet's Helen Carter.…

Guerres commerciales et crises économiques pour déclenchement de la révolution crypto

7 years ago

With Turkey’s national currency collapse making headlines around the world, and with countries such as Venezuela looking to cryptocurrencies as… annonce les recrutements clés de FemTech

7 years ago

Hong Kong-based, a wallet, exchange and payments platform, has announced three new additions to its team. CEO Kris Marszalek…

Q et R : Edward Moalem, Chief Strategy Officer, Ultra

7 years ago

Ultra recently announced the appointment of Edward Moalem as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). Moalem previously served on Ultra’s advisory board as…

TrakInvest prépare le lancement de TrakCrypto Show en septembre

7 years ago

TrakInvest is claiming a world first with the launch of a game show aimed at crypto enthusiasts. Starting on 12th September,…

Le secteur des revendications d'essaim en premier avec Robinhood play

7 years ago

Crypto startup Swarm is listing tokens that allow investors to purchase fractional shares in FinTech darling Robinhood. At this point,…

Brise carrée passé Vimo que Cash App crypto mouvement rapporte

7 years ago

Square's crypto push is starting to bear fruit, leading to a significant increase in downloads for its Cash App. The…

La chasse pour Satoshi Nakamoto est lancée !

7 years ago

Steeled by a resolve to blow open the tightly-locked doors holding back one of the greatest mysteries of modern times,…

Blockchain est déconcertant les Britanniques, de nouvelles recherches montrent

7 years ago

35% of Brits would not trust an organisation using blockchain technology to keep their information secure as they don’t know…

Axoni décroche un financement important pour élargir les offres de blockchain

7 years ago

New York-based enterprise blockchain technology venture, Axoni, has raised $32 million in a Series B round led by Goldman Sachs…

L'île sud-coréenne de Jeju demande de devenir un nouveau hub de blockchain pour les ICOs

7 years ago

The governor of Jeju, South Korea has asked the country’s central government to allow him to convert the island into…

Energi Mine annonce le partenariat de l'Hôtel Cappuccino

7 years ago

Energi Mine is set to provide its blockchain-based reward platform to South Korea’s Hotel Cappuccino, issuing EnergiTokens (ETKs) that will…

Un homme finlandais prend Bitcoin battant alors que des fraudeurs thaïlandais s'envolent

7 years ago

A Finnish man has lost a total of 5,564.4 Bitcoins (worth roughly $24 million at the time) to scammers in…

Starbucks : Désolé, la révolution du crypto de vente au détail est en attente

7 years ago

If you read any of the 'will Starbucks or won’t Starbucks accept cryptocurrency' stories from last week you might be…

Les critiques crient « pas de balle ! » à cause de l'approbation de l'ICO par le cricket australien

7 years ago

Australian cricketer Michael Clarke has come under fire from his countrymen after throwing his weight behind an ICO. The former…

C'est officiel : Bitfi est, genre, si boiteux

7 years ago

John McAfee’s cryptocurrency wallet building venture, Bitfi, has won the ‘Lamest Vendor Response’ gong at the annual Pwnie Awards. During…

La Banque européenne d'investissement lance le premier défi de la chaîne de blocs

7 years ago

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has held a two-day ‘Blockchain Challenge’, combining a challenge for coders with its annual conference…

PGA appelle des experts en crypto sur les demandes de rançon qui menacent la Ryder Cup

7 years ago

Officials at the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) of America will begin an investigation this weekend into how their computer network…

La Banque mondiale et l'ABC annoncent une émission « pionnière » de blockchain sur Ethereum

7 years ago

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has won a mandate from the World Bank to become the sole arranger of…

Eggs sur disque dur ! Routeur en cours de cryptomining malware frites petit déjeuner

7 years ago

Anyone who mines for cryptocurrency knows how much power is sucked up by an overworked hard drive, but delegates at…

Les pépites font bouger l'Internet des objets

7 years ago

Blockchain e-commerce payments and ID platform, Nuggets, has announced a partnership with Internet of Things infrastructure company CPChain. The two will…

IBV élimine la criminalité sur le lieu de travail avec des « contrats intelligents »

7 years ago

Crimes in workplaces across the United States cost business in that country circa $50 billion annually, which is why US…

Maersk et IBM développent une solution d'expédition de chaînes de blocs TradeLens

7 years ago

Shipping group Maersk reports that 94 companies and organisations have so far joined a blockchain-powered platform, TradeLens, developed with IBM.…

Les régulateurs de 11 pays annoncent soudainement un bac à sable Fintech mondial

7 years ago

Eleven financial regulators from around the world, including the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, France and Singapore, have announced…

Marché crypto en cours de consolidation,

7 years ago

Price comparison site,, has published its top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap and three trending coins in 2018. It predicts…

Celent lève le couvercle sur la blockchain dans les services bancaires d'entreprise

7 years ago

“And they’re off” is the most succinct way to describe the status of blockchain-based initiatives in commercial banking. The race…

La Suisse voit une deuxième banque accepter des actifs crypto-monnaie

7 years ago

The Maerki Baumann bank has announced it will accept cryptocurrencies, making it the second private financial institution in Switzerland to…

L'université et Hypervine apportent la blockchain au secteur de la construction

7 years ago

Edinburgh Napier University is working with startup Hypervine to develop blockchain solutions to the data recording problems which can jeopardise…

Les hubs financiers asiatiques mènent crypto pack comme les bégaiements américains

7 years ago

Switzerland-based cryptocurrency angel fund, Block0, has released a report on worldwide crypto asset trading trends which outlines the increased importance…

Barclays pour déployer le bureau de trading crypto ?

7 years ago

Barclays is allegedly gearing up to launch a cryptocurrency trading desk, although it has denied the existence of any such…

House of Fine Art annonce une exposition de crypto

7 years ago

House of Fine Art (HOFA) is claiming to be the first art gallery to put up its entire collection for…

L'Inde annonce la création d'un énorme quartier de blockchain à Telangana

7 years ago

India's Telangana state government has partnered with a multinational IT giant Tech Mahindra to create the country’s first Blockchain District.…

La demande du marché pour les guichets automatiques Bitcoin augmente rapidement

7 years ago

The number of Bitcoin ATMs quadrupled across 2017, according to Statista. There are currently 3,502 in operation around the world.…

L'échange de crypto sud-coréen UpBit est éliminé de tout acte répréhensible après un raid

7 years ago

Almost three months after being raided by local authorities, South Korea’s biggest crypto exchange, UPbit, has been cleared by an…

Bitmain choisit le Texas pour un nouveau centre de données blockchain

7 years ago

Chinese mining hardware giant, Bitmain, is building a blockchain datacentre and cryptocurrency mining facility in the city of Rockdale, Milam…

Jamie Dimon sonne sur криптовалюты.

7 years ago

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has taken another swipe at cryptocurrencies, while emphasising that the FI is interested in blockchain technology.…

Le rapport du gouvernement écossais souligne la nécessité future d'utiliser la blockchain

7 years ago

The Government of Scotland has released a report hailing the benefits of the distributed ledger technology (DLT) in public services…

Starbucks n'acceptera pas le crypto en magasin

7 years ago

Late last week, Starbucks announced that it was partnering with Microsoft, BCG and New York Stock Exchange owner Intercontinental Exchange…

L'organisme de réglementation sud-coréen demande l'utilisation de blockchain pour une bourse de valeurs

7 years ago

South Korea’s financial regulatory authority released a report in which it advocates the use of blockchain technology to build a…

Bah humbug à Bakkt ! Wall Street trader rejette Bitcoin

7 years ago

Wall Street is iffy on Bitcoin at best despite the high profile launch of regulated exchange, Bakkt, by NYSE owner…

High Times craie l'investisseur crypto en premier

7 years ago

High Times, a New York-based monthly magazine, was founded in 1974 and has featured original works from such counterculture and…

La deuxième bourse allemande lance une plate-forme de négociation multilatérale

7 years ago

The Stuttgart Börse - Germany's second largest stock exchange - has revealed plans to launch a new platform for ICOs…

Bitcoin trop instable pour passer au grand public, UBS

7 years ago

The Bitcoin price must hit nearly $213,000 to replace US money supply, according to a report by UBS. This argues that…

La banque centrale mexicaine joue en toute sécurité en émettant de nouvelles règles pour les échanges de crypto

7 years ago

The Bank of Mexico has issued a series of new rules that directly affect crypto exchanges and people who use…

Walmart voit les appareils intelligents gérés par blockchain

7 years ago

Walmart has filed yet another blockchain-related patent application. This one is entitled ‘Managing Smart Applications Using Blockchain Technology’, with the abstract…

Les clients de Coinbase peuvent désormais acheter/vendre du crypto avec GBP

7 years ago

US crypto exchange and wallet Coinbase has started rolling out British pound support for UK-based customers. “Until now, the process of converting…

Le gouvernement australien investit dans la start-up du tourisme crypto

7 years ago

Australia’s Queensland Government is backing a startup that sells travel experiences online using cryptocurrency. The venture, TravelbyBit, is one of…

Le fondateur de Wikipedia claque iCOs comme des escroqueries

7 years ago

c "We are, absolutely, never going to do that. Zero interest,” he said this week. Blockchain is a bubble Wales…

Prysm Group fait venir des économistes primés

7 years ago

Nobel Prize laureate Oliver Hart and former Microsoft Chief Economist Dr. Preston McAfee have been added to the senior advisory…

Morgan Stanley raids Credit Suisse pour un rôle crypto

7 years ago

Morgan Stanley has appointed Andrew Peel as Head of Digital Asset Markets. Based in Zurich and London, he joins from…

Le pionnier des paiements rejoint Nuggets en tant que directeur non-exec

7 years ago

Kevin Jenkins, the former Managing Director of Visa, has joined the board of blockchain payments and identity venture, Nuggets. “Kevin is…

Binance de Malte s'accroche au portefeuille fiduciaire

7 years ago

Malta-based crypto exchange Binance has purchased the cryptocurrency wallet provider Trust Wallet in a move it says is aimed at…

Les banques doivent être patientes, mais la chaîne de blocs livrera des marchandises

7 years ago

Blockchain deployments will enable banks to realise savings on cross-border settlement transactions of more than $27 billion by the end…

Paul Krugman claque « rhétorique messianique de crypto »

7 years ago

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are effectively celebrating the use of cutting-edge technology to set the monetary system back 300 years, according to…

Jeff Horowitz assume le rôle de Chief Compliance Officer chez Coinbase

7 years ago

As regulators around the world increase their scrutiny of the crypto sector, the venture says the new position reflects its “commitment…

Nasdaq tient des réunions secrètes avec des représentants d'échange de crypto

7 years ago

Various Nasdaq executives decided to hold a secret meeting with experts from several leading crypto exchanges to discuss cryptocurrency itself…

Hyperledger passe la marque de 250 membres

7 years ago

Blockchain consortium, Hyperledger, has added nine new members, bringing the total to over 250. Newbies as follows: Coil, ChainDigit, Chainyard,…

1 investisseur britannique sur 20 sait ce qu'il fait avec криптовалюты

7 years ago

The number of cryptocurrency investors in the UK has gradually increased to three million, but a study shows that only…

Billon et la FIS annoncent un partenariat avec la blockchain

7 years ago

Billon has signed a letter of intent with US financial technology heavyweight, FIS, to explore joint product development and sales…

Le cofondateur d'Ethereum critique l'accent mis sur les FNB

7 years ago

Buterin Vitalik, the Co-founder of Ethereum, believes the cryptocurrency community has put too much emphasis on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) at…

Bitmain Technologies prévoit une introduction en bourse

7 years ago

Bitmain Technologies is prepping an initial public offering which would give early investors, including Sequoia Capital and IDG Capital, an…

Plus de 5.000 magasins au Chili se préparent à accepter криптовалюты

7 years ago

Over 5,000 shops and businesses across Chile will accept cryptocurrency as payment for purchases as a result of the launch…

Bahamas cherchant à être à l'avant-garde de la technologie de la crypto et de la blockchain

7 years ago

The Bahamas is seriously pushing for blockchain to be implemented in all government services and to introduce a national digital…

Fortune publie la liste Ledger 40 Under 40

7 years ago

Earlier this month, we reported that Fortune’s latest 40 Under 40 list featured a number of cryptocurrency industry figures. And…

Gibraltar United va la cryptographie de football fou

7 years ago

The semi-professional club’s owner, Pablo Dana, an investor in the cryptocurrency Quantocoin, previously established a sponsorship partnership. And he now…

Problème d'image Bitcoin que les investisseurs américains jouent en toute sécurité

7 years ago

Only 2% of US investors own Bitcoin, but 26% are intrigued by it, according to a Wells Fargo/Gallup poll of…

Les FinTech du Brésil pourraient valoir 24 milliards de dollars pour l'économie au cours de la prochaine décennie

7 years ago

Brazil is currently the largest FinTech hub in Latin America. Proof of this comes in the form of more than…

Ripple soutient la réglementation cryptographique alors que les États-Unis accusent un retard

7 years ago

Regulation is a hugely divisive topic in the crypto space, with some arguing that it is an essential part of…

KickICo souffre d'une attaque de piratage de 7,7 millions de dollars

7 years ago

Blockchain-based fundraising platform, KickICO, has been hacked, losing 70,000,000 Kick ($7.7 million). It said in a statement: “On 26th July at…

PowerGhost soulève de nouveaux problèmes liés au logiciel d'exploration de crypto-minière

7 years ago

Kaspersky Lab researchers have found a new crypto-currency miner – PowerGhost – which has hit corporate networks in several regions,…

Les avocats et les techniciens lancent un outil de contrats DLT

7 years ago

A new distributed ledger technology (DLT) network is launching to streamline the design and administration of legal contracts. Created by…

Des bébés à bord alors que la Tanzanie marque la première mondiale avec des enregistrements de naissance blockchain

7 years ago

For the first time in history, blockchain technology has been used to record the birth of a baby in Tanzania…

La plateforme de blockchain Augur permet de parier sur les décès de personnalités

7 years ago

Betting platform Augur now allows users to bet on when certain world-renowned personalities will die. One of the top pools…

SatoshiPay accroche un investissement de 663 000 $, yeux IPO

7 years ago

SatoshiPay, a Bitcoin nanopayment solution for web content, has received a $663,000 (€566,000) cash injection from Daniel Masters, who co-founded the…

Ultra bags tech vétérinaire Edward Moalem pour rôle CSO

7 years ago

  Ultra has announced the appointment of Edward Moalem as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). He comments: “Ultra is the preeminent…

Alex Ohanian : crypto encore viable substitut des fiats « défaillants »

7 years ago

The co-founder of Reddit and Initialized Capital, Alexis Ohanian, believes that cryptocurrencies are a viable substitute for fiat currencies and…

Blockchain pour stimuler la scène des startups berlinoises

7 years ago

Berlin’s status as one of Europe’s leading FinTech hubs looks set to be further propelled by the city’s heightened focus…

Crypto pas tout ce qu'il est cracké pour être, GlobalData

7 years ago

Even though the blockchain technology that underpins crypto has definite value, particularly from a security perspective, cryptocurrencies are unlikely to… lance un échange de crypto-to-crypto « dirigé par la communauté »

7 years ago

Blockchain-based financial trading platform,, has officially launched its crypto-to-crypto exchange which will initially offer Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin…

Banque du Canada : le double des dépenses sur la chaîne de blocs « irréalistes »

7 years ago

The Bank of Canada (BoC) has revealed a 13-page report entitled the ‘Incentive Compatibility on the Blockchain’ that concludes double…

Le Parlement européen lance un avertissement sur la crypto-monnaie

7 years ago

The European Parliament has released a 163-page report in which it suggests that banks and central banks launching their own…

Wirex lance un nouveau portefeuille Ripple facile à utiliser

7 years ago

Cryptocurrency card supplier Wirex has launched its new Ripple wallet that enables users to buy, sell, exchange and deposit Ripple…

L'Argentine obtient Buenos crypto pièce

7 years ago

UK venture, Online Blockchain, has launched Buenos in Argentina. This follows on from the introduction of a crypto coin for…

Le BFe RTGS remanié sera compatible avec les DLT

7 years ago

The Bank of England has said that its renewed real-time gross settlement (RTGS) service will be compatible with systems running…

Imperial College London fait face au jeu de la crypto bouffée

7 years ago

Imperial College London has bowed to pressure from the Financial Times over a report, issued earlier this month in conjunction…

Barclays dépose des demandes de brevet pour des projets de monnaie numérique et de blockchain

7 years ago

Barclays Bank has applied to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for two patents related to the transfer of…

Coinbase forme le Comité d'action politique

7 years ago

Coinbase launched a Political Action Committee (PAC) in June, a disclosure published by the US Federal Election Commission reveals. PACs are groups…

Le carnaval de crypto brésilien toujours en plein essor malgré la volatilité des monnaies

7 years ago

Interest in cryptocurrency is growing fast in Brazil. In fact, the number of people registering accounts with crypto exchanges is…

Lufthansa et SAP se joignent pour lancer le premier « Aviation Blockchain Challenge »

7 years ago

Lufthansa has partnered with SAP to launch the first Aviation Blockchain Challenge, aimed at exploring how blockchain solutions can improve…

Les dépenses de la chaîne de blocs atteindront 11,7 milliards de dollars en 2022

7 years ago

Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions will hit $11.7 billion in 2022, according to International Data Corporation (IDC). And this year…

Les flics collier crypto escroc dans un Bitcoin d'abord

7 years ago

Surrey Police says it has become the first force in the UK to retain Bitcoin used by a criminal to…

dRPC to Premiere Alice in Nodeland Short Film at ETHDenver

4 weeks ago

Denver, Colorado, 24th February 2025, Chainwire

Singularity Finance Announces Collaboration with Particle Network

2 months ago

Dubai, UAE, 27th January 2025, Chainwire

Here is why Bitcoin is still a lucrative investment in 2024

4 months ago

Those who enter the market at this time may be surprised to hear that Bitcoin was actually worthless back in…

Zircuit Launches ZRC Token: Pioneering the Next Era of Decentralized Finance

4 months ago

George Town, Grand Cayman, 22nd November 2024, Chainwire

The surge of Bitcoin NFTs: Everything you should know about Bitcoin ordinals

5 months ago

From digital art to real-estate assets, NFTs have become a significant attraction for investors who look for new ways to…

MEXC Partners with Aptos to Launch Events Featuring a 1.5 Million USDT Prize Pool

5 months ago

Singapore, Singapore, 21st October 2024, Chainwire

Binance Confirms Support for Lumia Token Swap Ahead of New Chain Launch

6 months ago

Cayman Islands, Cayman Islands, 30th September 2024, Chainwire

3DOS Launching Decentralized “Uber for 3D Printing” on Sui

6 months ago

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 12th September 2024, Chainwire

Flipster Announces Collaboration with Tether

7 months ago

Warsaw, Poland, 20th August 2024, Chainwire

PEXX Announces Strategic Acquisition of Chain Debrief

7 months ago

Singapore, Singapore, 20th August 2024, Chainwire

Kwenta and Perennial Kickstart Arbitrum Expansion with 1.9M ARB

8 months ago

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 26th July 2024, Chainwire

Ethereum could soon surpass the 3K price point

8 months ago

As usual, the crypto market is keeping everyone guessing what could happen next. After an impressive run prompted mainly by…

Agoric Unveils Orchestration for Next-Gen Web3 Applications

9 months ago

San Francisco, United States / California, 10th July 2024, Chainwire

Solciety’s PolitiFi Meme Coin Presale Raises $600K+ in First Two Weeks

9 months ago

London, United Kingdom, 2nd July 2024, Chainwire

PrimeXBT to democratise financial markets with total revamp and upgraded product offering

10 months ago

Majuro, Marshall Islands, May 22nd, 2024, ChainwireLeading Cryptocurrency broker, PrimeXBT, has just launched a total revamp of its brand, website,…

Advantages of Using Cryptocurrency in Online Gambling

12 months ago

Experts foresee this market surging to over $165 billion by 2028, fueled substantially by crypto betting. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and…