Dec 2 - Dec 8

Ada Pops




Mint Price:

45 ADA



Ada Pops is a collection of 10,000 random generated NFT’s living in the Cardano environment. They’ve come to bring happiness to everyone. Each one with their own personality, just like us. We want to build a strong community and we believe in giving back. Join us and help Ada Pops save the world.

This is our first collection to be released. We want to build a strong community and we believe in giving back. That’s why we are a community-driven, charity-focused project. A lot of people have had it really tough over the last two years and Ada Pops wants to help. Join our community and help us help others. Our NFT’s will be available to buy on the 2nd of December from our Ada Pops store.


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.