
Multilayer Authentication-Crypto for Internet of Things Security using End-to-End Cryptography

Year 2018
Author Santosh Kumar Sharma, Santosh Kumar Sharma, Subha Sri Boddepalli
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Bitcoin / Cryptocurrencies / Trading

We proposed the system with the combined approach of two security techniques. One is layered authentication approach followed by Elgamal end to end security technique. Operation of this technique is to work in two phases: at first level authentication process is working along with sub-server for providing authentication to access the real data server, and in the second phase. Once user approaches to the real server he has to go through the public cryptography technique, where data is encrypted with Elgamal cryptography technique to provide end-to-end security. The entire work is deeply analysed with the available factors related to authentication and cryptography. Finally the proposed system will provide strong security for the data preservation and the communication more effectively.