Get rich quick crypto investors in for a nasty surprise

1Confirmation Founder and crypto investor Nick Tomaino says that the fluctuating price of cryptocurrencies is the reason why so many people are investing in the crypto space, but everything will be fine in the long run.

There is so much “fervor” out there, he said, and a scenario where you have 20 top currencies that have at least $1 billion (£750 million) in market value, meaning “you can create a coin with a great meme and you have a token with $1 billion (£750 million) in market value”.

“Generally, in the long-term it’s OK, but in the short-term not so much, because a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money,” he told an audience during the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit: Crypto event, which took place yesterday. “In the long run, however, it’s OK, because for every person interested in getting rich quickly, there is another person who is interested in the technology.”

The Co-founder of Interchange Dan Held weighed in, saying that volatility has brought in a lot of mainstream players, “while in the past the space was limited to niche hobbyists.”

This is a good thing because many new types of products will be created attracting more types of customers; “some crypto assets will rise, some will fall, what we can bet on is the volatility.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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