SingularityNET launches upgraded AI marketplace

Tech company SingularityNET has announced the launch of its revamped and upgraded artificial intelligence (AI) marketplace.

In a press release shared with Coin Rivet, the company sheds light on the significant improvements for the platform.

The upgraded AI marketplace contains a number of tech and design improvements to facilitate user flow and interaction with AI algorithms.

It will also include free trial periods which will allow users and community members to test whether they can work with the AI algorithms before they buy. This is part of SingularityNET’s commitment to democratising AI services.

The marketplace will boast a dedicated section on integration that will make it seamless for end-users to invoke the AI service through JavaScript and Python software development kits (SDK).

The payment infrastructure will be set up to integrate with fiat payment channels as well as cryptocurrency payment options, including SingularityNET’s native AGI token.

PayPal integration is also planned for an upcoming upgrade which will be released later in the fall.

SingularityNET’s marketplace will offer a broad library of open-source AI services ranging from image analysis, text analysis, biological data analysis, and much more.

Speaking on the news, SingularityNET CEO Ben Goertzel said: “The new SingularityNET beta version brings us further toward realisation of the grand vision of powerful, decentralised AGI that has animated us since we founded the project in 2017.

“To make SingularityNET a success, we need not only a highly capable and scalable platform populated with brilliant AI algorithms, we also need the platform to have an appealing user experience.

“What we’re doing here is setting the stage for massive adoption of the platform as 2019 and 2020 unfold – moving one step at a time toward the decentralised AGI revolution.”

Interested in hearing more from Dr Ben Goertzel? Discover more about SingularityNET’s vision for decentralised governance in Coin Rivet’s exclusive interview.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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