DustAid collects all unused Cryptocurrency Dust & converts it into life changing donations to Charitable projects all over the World.

Why DustAid & Coin Rivet?

“No one else in this space has looked at one of the prevailing issues such as the collection of minute fragments of crypto quite like DustAid has,” said Sheba Karamat, CEO of Coin Rivet.

“Their innovative, simple and direct approach to such a curious problem that most people have in their wallets yet overlook without question is one of the most impressive and refreshing solutions we have encountered in this industry.”

“To think that all those particles can be collectively utilised to create a meaningful donation to several different charity projects is a testament not only to DustAid, but also the generosity of the people working in cryptocurrency and blockchain – and that is why it is our absolute pleasure to support their work.”

How DustAid Works

Dustaid Causes

Ormiston Families - Positive Pathways

Ormiston Families is the East of England’s leading family charity, supporting children, young people and families to manage the challenges they face and improve their life chances.

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Little Edi Foundation - The Shoebox project

Working in the UK with local schools, nurseries, local community groups and some very hard working friends, we wrap, pack and send shoe boxes to the very poorest children in the rural villages of Moldovia, Romania.

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Space For Giants - Elephant Collaring

To carry out the Space for Giants vision of securing a future for elephants and their landscapes forever.

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