Jesse Lund comments spark John McAfee Bitcoin boast

"I'm the only one giving you a hard date," he declares

Good evening, Mr McAfee, we’ve been expecting you…

It’s been a while since the controversial crypto advocate tweeted about Bitcoin’s price. But it seems that he’s none too happy at other people muscling in on this territory.

Earlier this week, IBM VP of Blockchain and Digital Currencies, Jesse Lund, made a spectacular claim. “I have a long-term outlook…It goes back to that discussion about the utility of the network with a higher price. I see Bitcoin at a million dollars someday,” he said.

“I like that number because if Bitcoin’s at a million dollars, then the Satoshi is on value parity with the US penny. And that means there’s over $20 trillion of liquidity in this network. Think about $20 trillion in liquidity and how that changes things like corporate payments.”

Speculators, meanwhile, are hurting the value of cryptocurrencies “because they’re thinking about it wrong”.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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