Jun 1 - Jun 7

Cool Astronauts




Mint Price:

0.12 ETH



Add to Calendar 2022-06-01 00:00:00 2022-06-07 00:00:00 Cool Astronauts

Cool Astronauts are a collection of 3333 🎨hand-drawn 👨🏼‍🚀 CoolAstronauts with unique traits.

Your Cool Astronaut acts as your membership to the Cool Astronauts Community, and gives you exclusive access to member’s only Merch, Airdrops, Token staking among NFT holders, AstroMetaverse, upcoming Events, and much more.

  • Supply: 3,333
  • Mint Price :
  • 0.07 ETH plus gas fee for White List members(Pre-sale)
  • 0.12 ETH plus gas fee for everyone else(Public-sale)
  • Mint Per wallet: 3

✅ Project Concept:

A community of digital and street artists that create their own digital community and release the first limited NFT collection. Further along the Road Map – the release of at least 5 more unique collections with the possibility of mutation. Creating its own AstroMetaverse with the integration of all NFTs from released collections for P2E (Play to Earn) game.

🚀 Road Map:

Phase 1:

  • 1st collection
  • Launch of 3333 unique NFT Sale
  • Launch of Marketing Campaign for project

Phase 2:

2nd collection

  • Launch of 4444 unique NFT Sale
  • Release and sale of a limited number of tokens
  • Airdrop of 444 prizes among 1 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 200 tokens per user
  • Token staking among NFT holders

Phase 3:

3rd collection

  • Launch of 5555 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 555 prizes among 2 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 250 tokens per user
  • Also, each holder of 3 NFTs will receive a free unique 3×1 mutation without NFT destruction and a 3D figurine as a gift (a physical figurine)
  • An online store where you can buy 3D figurines and merch for tokens. It will be possible to order a 3D figurine of your NFT

Phase 4:

4th collection

  • Launch of 6667 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 667 prizes among 3 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 300 tokens per user
  • Buying a large piece of land, for example, in Sandbox and integrating our NFT characters there

Phase 5:

5th collection

  • Launch of 7777 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 777 prizes among 4 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 350 tokens per user
  • AstroMetaverse – creating its own metaverse for P2E (Play to Earn) game

The team keeps 99 NFTs to give away in this and future collections. Among those who bought on the site, 33 NFTs will be drawn. Also, anyone who stakes NFTs from this collection will receive free NFTs from the Limited Astronaut Girl Collection, which will be released at a later date after the end of public sales.

When sold out, we will buy 3 NFTs from some bluechip collection and raffle them among buyers.

Cool Astronauts are a collection of 3333 🎨hand-drawn 👨🏼‍🚀 CoolAstronauts with unique traits.

Your Cool Astronaut acts as your membership to the Cool Astronauts Community, and gives you exclusive access to member’s only Merch, Airdrops, Token staking among NFT holders, AstroMetaverse, upcoming Events, and much more.

  • Supply: 3,333
  • Mint Price :
  • 0.07 ETH plus gas fee for White List members(Pre-sale)
  • 0.12 ETH plus gas fee for everyone else(Public-sale)
  • Mint Per wallet: 3

✅ Project Concept:

A community of digital and street artists that create their own digital community and release the first limited NFT collection. Further along the Road Map – the release of at least 5 more unique collections with the possibility of mutation. Creating its own AstroMetaverse with the integration of all NFTs from released collections for P2E (Play to Earn) game.

🚀 Road Map:

Phase 1:

  • 1st collection
  • Launch of 3333 unique NFT Sale
  • Launch of Marketing Campaign for project

Phase 2:

2nd collection

  • Launch of 4444 unique NFT Sale
  • Release and sale of a limited number of tokens
  • Airdrop of 444 prizes among 1 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 200 tokens per user
  • Token staking among NFT holders

Phase 3:

3rd collection

  • Launch of 5555 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 555 prizes among 2 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 250 tokens per user
  • Also, each holder of 3 NFTs will receive a free unique 3×1 mutation without NFT destruction and a 3D figurine as a gift (a physical figurine)
  • An online store where you can buy 3D figurines and merch for tokens. It will be possible to order a 3D figurine of your NFT

Phase 4:

4th collection

  • Launch of 6667 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 667 prizes among 3 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 300 tokens per user
  • Buying a large piece of land, for example, in Sandbox and integrating our NFT characters there

Phase 5:

5th collection

  • Launch of 7777 unique NFT Sale
  • Airdrop of 777 prizes among 4 NFT holders: 1 NFT + 350 tokens per user
  • AstroMetaverse – creating its own metaverse for P2E (Play to Earn) game

The team keeps 99 NFTs to give away in this and future collections. Among those who bought on the site, 33 NFTs will be drawn. Also, anyone who stakes NFTs from this collection will receive free NFTs from the Limited Astronaut Girl Collection, which will be released at a later date after the end of public sales.

When sold out, we will buy 3 NFTs from some bluechip collection and raffle them among buyers.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.