Hikari Adventure is a project inspired by lo-fi girl and an imaginative story beyond studying in her bedroom. If you are a fan of the artstyle, you will appreciate the diverse set of 5,555 mintable NFTs on the Solana Blockchain which also represents each day on Hikari’s adventure to search for her father.
Our mission with this project is to create not just virtual utility with our plans of virtual experiences in the metaverse but also in the real world where we will look to franchise the brand in various media formats such as comic and anime series in addition to exploring the possibility of fractional royalty distributions. This is a project heavily inspired by community feedback. Created by the community, for the community.
Hikari Adventure is a project inspired by lo-fi girl and an imaginative story beyond studying in her bedroom. If you are a fan of the artstyle, you will appreciate the diverse set of 5,555 mintable NFTs on the Solana Blockchain which also represents each day on Hikari’s adventure to search for her father.
Our mission with this project is to create not just virtual utility with our plans of virtual experiences in the metaverse but also in the real world where we will look to franchise the brand in various media formats such as comic and anime series in addition to exploring the possibility of fractional royalty distributions. This is a project heavily inspired by community feedback. Created by the community, for the community.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.