A virtual university for those whom want to be educated in a New and Exciting Way, At the U once your headset is removed you can use what you learned in The Real World. Everything will be taught online.
The Metaverse University; an opportunity to enjoy a virtual training environment where anyone can get an education from the comfort of your Home. the courses includes, Home Economics, Finance, home schooling( VPK – U), Gaming, and The Construction Trades and MUCH MUCH MORE. A Society Where Human And Machine Intelligence Collaborates.
Our goal is to educate students to deliver high-demand building skills. By implementing virtual reality (VR) gear to educate from afar. We want to strive to develop communities and promote sustainable settings by providing free Vr Learning to Millions of People World Wide.
A virtual university for those whom want to be educated in a New and Exciting Way, At the U once your headset is removed you can use what you learned in The Real World. Everything will be taught online.
The Metaverse University; an opportunity to enjoy a virtual training environment where anyone can get an education from the comfort of your Home. the courses includes, Home Economics, Finance, home schooling( VPK – U), Gaming, and The Construction Trades and MUCH MUCH MORE. A Society Where Human And Machine Intelligence Collaborates.
Our goal is to educate students to deliver high-demand building skills. By implementing virtual reality (VR) gear to educate from afar. We want to strive to develop communities and promote sustainable settings by providing free Vr Learning to Millions of People World Wide.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.