0.01 ETH
The Million Dollar Hearts Club stands for a community and a point based collection of 5555 unique, exclusive and full generative NFTs in which every asset was created and designed one at the time. The Million Dollar Hearts Club is one of the most ambitious projects in the NFTs universe. This is a community in which our members grow and benefit from each other exponentially.
-The more Million Dollar Hearts you acquire, the more MMD Hearts you will be able to resell when the sale starts.
– The more MMD Hearts you resell, the more Ethereum you will earn.
– The more Eth you earn, the more you can buy rarer or more expensive
MMD Hearts to resell them again and earn more and more Eth.
The Million Dollar Hearts Club stands for a community and a point based collection of 5555 unique, exclusive and full generative NFTs in which every asset was created and designed one at the time. The Million Dollar Hearts Club is one of the most ambitious projects in the NFTs universe. This is a community in which our members grow and benefit from each other exponentially.
-The more Million Dollar Hearts you acquire, the more MMD Hearts you will be able to resell when the sale starts.
– The more MMD Hearts you resell, the more Ethereum you will earn.
– The more Eth you earn, the more you can buy rarer or more expensive
MMD Hearts to resell them again and earn more and more Eth.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.