Nov 21 - Nov 22

Treasure Squids




Mint Price:



Add to Calendar 2021-11-21 00:00:00 2021-11-22 00:00:00 Treasure Squids
Treasure Squids is a collection of 8,888 unique squid which might evolve
into a Pixelated on chain version of an Octopus (5,555),
and then possibly into a Kraken (3.333),
then maybe into a Leviathan (1,111)
and finally there can be only one Cthulhu (1).
Not all squid will be able to evolve… May the luck go to the prepared…

Mint your own Squid for   85 Polygon

Hand drawn and  randomly computer generated from over 100 attributes.

Securely uploaded onto IPFS.

Of the 8,888 Squid, 5,555 will be able to evolve in an octopus .

Only one Octopus per. squid.  (Scarcity is closing in)

Come back after Sell out to toss your Squid into the Bermuda Triangle.

Keep your Original Squid and receive a brand new Octopus.

Come back when all Octopus are distributed for a chance at a Kraken with your Octopus.

Come back with your Kraken after all Kraken have been distributed for a chance at a Leviathan.

Come back with your Leviathan, once they are all distributed,

for your Chance at the God Squid Cthulhu.


Gen 1 Squids

(Limited Edition Mint 8,888)

*Whitelisted -Pre-sale

PRE-Sale 11-21-21

Main-Sale  11-22 -21

Gen 2 Octopus

 (Limited Edition Mint 5,555)

Octopus are fully on blockchain

pixel based evolution of the

squid genome.

Gen 3 The Mighty Kraken

 (Limited Edition Mint of 3,333)

Kraken are more artful species and IPFS based.

of the 5,555 Octopus 3,333 Lucky eight legged creatures

can evolve into,

A Mighty Kraken.

Keep your original Octopus and

receive a brand New Kraken.

Gen 4 The Leviathan

This creature evolves from the Kraken.

Randomly Chosen 1,111 Leviathan after all Kraken are distributed.

Keep your original Kraken and possibly evolve into a new Leviathan.

Gen 5 The God Cthulhu

There can Only be 1……

1 lucky Leviathan will claim the throne!

Keep your original Leviathan and possibly become a GOD!

Road Map future forward.


10% Treasury directly preserved in an underwater off-chain ledger foot locker.

320 Squid set aside for SquidAways.

30% Treasury related to giving back and building the  community.

Sea Life Owners help determine how to best move our community into 2022.

Sell out time limit where those other poor squid get burned on the beach.

  Committed to Life at Sea!

The Sea is large and the powers within it amazing and wonderous!

Treasure Squids is a collection of 8,888 unique squid which might evolve
into a Pixelated on chain version of an Octopus (5,555),
and then possibly into a Kraken (3.333),
then maybe into a Leviathan (1,111)
and finally there can be only one Cthulhu (1).
Not all squid will be able to evolve… May the luck go to the prepared…

Mint your own Squid for   85 Polygon

Hand drawn and  randomly computer generated from over 100 attributes.

Securely uploaded onto IPFS.

Of the 8,888 Squid, 5,555 will be able to evolve in an octopus .

Only one Octopus per. squid.  (Scarcity is closing in)

Come back after Sell out to toss your Squid into the Bermuda Triangle.

Keep your Original Squid and receive a brand new Octopus.

Come back when all Octopus are distributed for a chance at a Kraken with your Octopus.

Come back with your Kraken after all Kraken have been distributed for a chance at a Leviathan.

Come back with your Leviathan, once they are all distributed,

for your Chance at the God Squid Cthulhu.


Gen 1 Squids

(Limited Edition Mint 8,888)

*Whitelisted -Pre-sale

PRE-Sale 11-21-21

Main-Sale  11-22 -21

Gen 2 Octopus

 (Limited Edition Mint 5,555)

Octopus are fully on blockchain

pixel based evolution of the

squid genome.

Gen 3 The Mighty Kraken

 (Limited Edition Mint of 3,333)

Kraken are more artful species and IPFS based.

of the 5,555 Octopus 3,333 Lucky eight legged creatures

can evolve into,

A Mighty Kraken.

Keep your original Octopus and

receive a brand New Kraken.

Gen 4 The Leviathan

This creature evolves from the Kraken.

Randomly Chosen 1,111 Leviathan after all Kraken are distributed.

Keep your original Kraken and possibly evolve into a new Leviathan.

Gen 5 The God Cthulhu

There can Only be 1……

1 lucky Leviathan will claim the throne!

Keep your original Leviathan and possibly become a GOD!

Road Map future forward.


10% Treasury directly preserved in an underwater off-chain ledger foot locker.

320 Squid set aside for SquidAways.

30% Treasury related to giving back and building the  community.

Sea Life Owners help determine how to best move our community into 2022.

Sell out time limit where those other poor squid get burned on the beach.

  Committed to Life at Sea!

The Sea is large and the powers within it amazing and wonderous!

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.