Paxful eyes 100 African schools with #BuiltwithBitcoin initiative

“This is an example of Bitcoin being used as more than a speculative tool and is a testament to the usefulness of cryptocurrency”

Peer-to-peer Bitcoin marketplace, Paxful, has built a second school in Rwanda as a part of its #BuiltwithBitcoin initiative, which began in 2017 and promotes philanthropy and charity within the crypto industry.

It partnered with Zam Zam Water on the project, which was funded by over $100,000 Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash donations. 

The school, dedicated to students between the ages of 6-15, consists of six classrooms, six full-time teachers, cafeteria, bathroom stalls, solar panels, and a 35,000L water well system. The curriculum and teachers will be provided by educational officials at the local level.

The plan is to construct 100 African schools and also donate money for wells and other projects. A first school was completed in December 2017 and serves 110 young students between the ages of three to six.

“We encourage the cryptocurrency sector to contribute more to humanitarian projects. The #BuiltWithBitcoin initiative is an example of Bitcoin being used as more than a speculative tool and is a testament to the usefulness of cryptocurrency,” says Ray Youseff, CEO and Co-founder of Paxful. “We have provided scholarships to Afghan refugees, and plan to continue these philanthropic ventures.”

“Having proper education centres is fundamental in moving countries like Rwanda forward, while also increasing their standard of living. Education is the crucial stepping stone in serving people in developing nations improving their quality of life,” says Yusuf A. Nessary, President and Founder of Zam Zam Water.

“We are beyond thrilled to have partnered with Paxful in order to provide education for the next generation and beyond.” 

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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