Nov 27 - Nov 30





Mint Price:




Add to Calendar 2021-11-27 00:00:00 2021-11-30 00:00:00 BooBEth

10,000 hand drawn breast on the Ethereum Blockchain helping futher breast cancer research while providing collectors with real world utility.

It is well-known assumption that the NFT’s of tomorrow will get you in to a concert, or a sporting event, E3, CES? If we all know what is coming why wait for it to get here let’s create it today. Boo-BETH is the first NFT to hold the R designation making it essentially the first NFT-R in the space. So, what real world utility does BooBETH provide and how was the concept of this NFT-R developed.

Having a pair of BooB-ETH grants you access to the community where you vote on which kinds of NFT / crypto projects you want to learn how to create. We’ll focus projects that are gaining traction in the space. With that knowledge you can create value for future collectors of collections you create.

10,000 hand drawn breast on the Ethereum Blockchain helping futher breast cancer research while providing collectors with real world utility.

It is well-known assumption that the NFT’s of tomorrow will get you in to a concert, or a sporting event, E3, CES? If we all know what is coming why wait for it to get here let’s create it today. Boo-BETH is the first NFT to hold the R designation making it essentially the first NFT-R in the space. So, what real world utility does BooBETH provide and how was the concept of this NFT-R developed.

Having a pair of BooB-ETH grants you access to the community where you vote on which kinds of NFT / crypto projects you want to learn how to create. We’ll focus projects that are gaining traction in the space. With that knowledge you can create value for future collectors of collections you create.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.