Fluffy Mansion Friends (FMF) is a collection of cartoon animals which loosely represent real-life people. This project started as an Instagram comic featuring the lives of the artist, Rosie the Red Panda and her partner, Samson the Sloth.
Each friend in the Fluffy Mansion will have a single set of NFTs that will be released over time. When the set has been completely dropped, owners of an FMF NFT will be able to enter a lucky draw which will determine who the next friend in the Fluffy Mansion will be based on.
Fluffy Mansion Friends (FMF) is a collection of cartoon animals which loosely represent real-life people. This project started as an Instagram comic featuring the lives of the artist, Rosie the Red Panda and her partner, Samson the Sloth.
Each friend in the Fluffy Mansion will have a single set of NFTs that will be released over time. When the set has been completely dropped, owners of an FMF NFT will be able to enter a lucky draw which will determine who the next friend in the Fluffy Mansion will be based on.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are highly speculative and volatile assets. Whilst Coin Rivet has taken steps to ensure that projects listed are reputable and safe, users are advised to undertake their own research and proceed with caution. Coin Rivet does not offer investment advice on any of the listed projects.