unveils ‘the future of ads’

Permission, the platform that allows users to share their data in exchange for digital token ASK, has created a demand-side platform called ‘Permission Ads’ that allows users to sell data to advertisers.

The move utilises the promises of Web 3.0 to better protect user data in a dramatic shift from the way data has been bought and sold without user consent in Web 2.0.

Permission has launched an industry-first platform that allows advertisers to choose an advert format and their target audience. The advertisers then assign a budget to the advert which then runs on the platform.

Data is a valuable asset in the digital age, and it has created the monopoly of big technology companies that exist today.

Discussing advertising and data, CEO Charlie Silver the advertising industry was at a crossroads as it leaves behind intrusive data-collecting technologies and strives to build trust with consumers.

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“We’re proud to be developing a solution to bring the digital ad experience into the modern age for both consumers and advertisers, data is the most valuable asset in the world,” he said.

“It’s time consumers get their cut.”

The rise of Permission comes at the same time that the advertising industry wonders about the demise of the third-party cookie and what that means for the industry.

More than 60% of millennials download adblockers to prevent constant exposure to ads and 87% of consumers say they would like to opt out of having their data sold to third parties.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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