The internet struggling to cope with increased usage

As more people self-isolate under government instructions the internet and its services are coming under sustained pressure. The increase in usage has already caused systems to become overloaded.

Xbox Live and Nintendo Online go down

Both the online services of Xbox and Nintendo went down last night as they became overloaded. Netflix has also suggested in reducing the quality of their online films and tv shows in an effort to prevent a system outage.

Popular PC gaming market, Steam, also announced its all-time highest number of concurrent users on their platform.

An interesting trend in the gaming market is that many of the most popular titles are fitness based. With gyms closing around the world and people stuck inside many are turning to these titles to remain fit and healthy. YouTube is another platform that has seen an increase in people watching fitness-based videos.

Vodafone announced a 50% increase in internet use. This has led the European Union’s industry chief to call on streaming services to reduce congestion.

For some of the best apps to download during self-isolation check out many tips here.

Internet alternatives

There are of course, other activities that people can pursue while self-isolating that does not require an internet connection.

With many children now off school, books offer them an alternative form of entertainment. Books offer the perfect form of escapism and can also provide mental stimulation.

Board games are another option that can provide interaction between families. Keeping both the body and brain active is important in these trying times.

With social distancing coming into force through the country many are now finding themselves stuck at home. Yet it also remains important to allow your body to get fresh air. Daily walks in quiet areas where possible provides exercise and is another way to avoid the potential cabin fever many could suffer from.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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