Small business platform Clarity launches $50m token sale

Clarity, a platform for small business owners, has launched a $50 million (£37 million) token sale ahead of the platform going live.

Clarity stores data for business owners and provides analytics, benchmarking and file sharing tools. It also stores business information such as insurance, finance, human resources and standard operating procedures.

Business owners can use the software and artificial intelligence-driven dashboards to keep track of performance and access early-stage funding or investment. Users pay for the service using Clarity tokens.

Clarity Founder Aynsley Damery says the company will be travelling the globe over the next few months to present itself and its token sale at blockchain and accounting events. “We believe giving small businesses total control over their data will change the way business is done globally, forever,” he adds.

Tokens will be on sale from next month until 22nd November, or until the tokens have sold out. They will be sold via tiered phases that reward early investors, preceded by a private pre-sale of 30 million non-refundable tokens.

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