The best blockchain/crypto tweets of the week

Love it or hate it, you can’t accuse the blockchain/crypto Twitterverse of being dull. Here are our fave tweets from the past five days

Professional blockchain/crypto hater Nouriel Roubini blocks ShapeShift CEO, Erik Voorhees, on Twitter. Voerhees is understandably devastated.

What Lisa Short says…

Nouriel Roubini shocks the world with not at all bonkers tweet. Just kidding! Bloody crypto fanatics, they’d better not come round my way with their rabid anti-semitism. I’ll give them a clip round the ear, if they do.

We could get wound up by Roubini and his attention seeking antics, or we could just have a laugh at his expense. Yeah, let’s just make fun of the old sourpuss.

Joe Rogan to debate Roubini? Stick to UFC, mate, you’re not in the same league as…

Stitch that, XRP!

Remember Dogecoin?


Blockchain phones? Pah! Don’t believe the hype.

And finally…What does this one have to do with blockchain or cryptocurrencies, we hear you cry. Well, Stormy Daniels accepts Vice tokens on her personal website, and what Donald Trump doesn’t know about Bitcoin isn’t worth knowing…Oh, who are we kidding. This one just made us laugh out loud. ‘Game on, Tiny’. Nice one, Stormy.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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