VAKT signs up with EEA

The company says that it will collaborate with industry leaders in pursuit of Ethereum-based enterprise technology best practices, open standards and open source reference architectures

VAKT has joined open source blockchain initiative, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).

The venture, formed by a consortium of nine energy majors, independent traders and banks, is working to digitise the global commodities industry by creating a platform for post-trading services, accessible to all parties involved and powered by blockchain technologies.

The EEA membership base represents 500 companies from such sectors as technology, banking, government, healthcare, energy, pharmaceuticals, marketing and insurance.

“We are delighted to be joining the EEA and be part of the realisation of the Enterprise Ethereum standard,” says Adam Vile, Chief Technology Officer of VAKT. “We are breaking new ground in developing and plan to be one of the first companies to deliver in to production, an enterprise grade post trade platform with Quorum and hence Ethereum at its core. Close connection to the EEA and the ability to contribute to and benefit from the rapid evolution of the platform will be key to our success.”


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