How DustAid is using cryptocurrencies for charitable causes

Dustaid has been set up to help you donate all the dust that has collected in your wallet, or on an exchange, to a deserving charity.

If you have ever consistently traded cryptocurrencies on exchanges then you might have ended up with what has been termed “dust”. Dust is the little remnants of cryptocurrencies, such as a few satoshis, that end up in your wallet. Generally they are worth very little but cumulatively could be worth more. By collating dust you could find yourself with a few spare quid. DustAid has realised this issue and believes that this dust can be used for charitable purposes.

Aims of DustAid

DustAid aims to help solve many of the criticisms that currently face traditional charities. In recent years there have been numerous scandals of funds from charities going missing. The UK, for one, has shown that appetite for some of the largest charities such as Comic Relief have been struggling to achieve the heights that they have previously reached.

Contributors have become more sceptical about where their money is going and whether it actually reaches their intended target. This is where DustAid believes that they can help.

Through blockchain technology they aim to create a “transparent system which delivers 100% of the funds donated directly to the people who need it most”. They will partner with numerous blockchain companies, exchanges and wallets that will help “users utilise the “Dust” left in wallets to make a difference”.

DustAid does not profit in anyway from the donations made.


DustAid has currently partnered with three charities that they hope to help.

Ormiston Families – Positive Pathways

Ormiston Families is a UK based charity that supports young people and families to help overcome the challenges they face and improve their life chances.

Their Breaking Barriers service helps children who have been left behind if their parent has been sentenced to prison. According to estimates, this affects 200,000 children in the UK. Ormiston Families provide support and help in schools, homes or wherever the children feel most comfortable.

Little Edi Foundation – The Shoebox Project

The Little Edi Foundation works with schools, nurseries and communities around the UK for their Shoebox Project. They wrap, pack and send 800-100 shoeboxes to the rural village of Moldovia, Romania for some of the poorest children who would otherwise receive nothing for Christmas.

The shoe boxes are hand delivered to ensure that they arrive at their destination on time and in great condition.

Space for Giants – Elephant Collaring

Space for Giants’ vision is to ensure that they secure the future of elephants and their landscapes forever. To do this, they collar elephants in an effort to gather the data necessary on their movement to help with regional policies in the area. The collars provide real-time scientific data that helps scientists understand the ecology and ensure their protection in the long term.

The project is implemented in northern Kenya and is also currently working on providing electric fencing on a nationwide scale. This will help to reduce human-elephant conflict by 90%.


In an industry that is full of scams and money making maniacs, it’s nice to see products that show more human side of cryptocurrency. Having experienced left over dust myself, DustAid is an ideal solution for users to give back in a simple and easy to use manner.

Should you wish to find out more about DustAid check out their website here and stay tuned to Coin Rivet for all their latest developments.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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