Five types of cryptocurrency jobs in Russia

In this article, we’ll take a look at five types of cryptocurrency jobs you can apply for in Russia

Russia is finally warming to cryptocurrency after years of scepticism and hostility towards the asset class.

Many influential Russians think we might be seeing the dawn of a virtual gold rush with the rise of crypto and blockchain.

As such, more and more crypto and blockchain companies are springing up in Russia, and they’re after talented individuals to help drive the technology forward.

In this article, we’ll take a look at five types of cryptocurrency jobs in Russia.

Russia’s competitive advantage

The use of blockchain is spreading rapidly in most countries, but some believe it has a particularly bright future in Russia. Technical and mathematical education standards in the Soviet Union were some of the highest in the world, and this tradition has persisted in modern Russia.

The country now sees the potential blockchain technology has and is aiming to utilise its wealth of talented math-minded employees to drive innovation.

The cryptocurrency and blockchain space has now evolved to include dozens of tech-specific careers, and many talented people are now choosing to work in the cryptocurrency industry.

In addition, more and more Russian universities with a worldwide reputation are offering appropriate training programs to provide students with specific knowledge to excel in the field.

Five types of cryptocurrency jobs in Russia

(1) Blockchain developer

As the crypto industry expands, more and more blockchain specialists and artificial intelligence (AI) developers are required. These skills are very much in demand, and the salary for such vacancies can be huge.

Most blockchain code developers deal with strengthening the security of their projects, the implementation of innovative solutions, and other similar tasks.

Job requirements:

Often you need to be able to find custom solutions to various problems and must be able to think on your feet. Most companies that post a blockchain developer job have no experience in the crypto industry. They may demand the impossible or expect a miracle from you. You will need to manage these difficult relationships and expectations.

In technical terms, you will first need some form of IT developer experience. Many companies may indicate in their job requirements that you need a computer science degree or may expect further education or additional qualifications in the field.

(2) Ethereum developer

Ethereum was founded by Russian programmer Vitalik Buterin and is very popular in the country.

Vitalik has previously stated that the Russian market “is of great interest and has great potential for the development of Ethereum and the launch of new projects in the sphere of fintech”.

Many Russian companies such as Vnesheconombank, Sberbank, and Russian Railways have started using this technology, creating new opportunities for employees.

Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency as well as a smart contract platform. The community of developers for the project is very large and continues to grow. About 30 times more developers are involved in the Ethereum platform than any other cryptocurrency.

Job requirements:

You will definitely need experience in developing simple blockchains plus an understanding of the specifics of the Ethereum ecosystem. You will also need knowledge of the Solidity programming language. Many companies now offer short courses in this language that can close knowledge gaps.

(3) Crypto project manager

As a crypto project manager, you will need to adapt complex technical concepts into simple, easy-to-understand language. You will also be required to monitor the progress of all tasks carried out by your team and track deadlines.

Job requirements:

This vacancy is one of several in the field of cryptocurrencies that does not require programming and development skills. While knowledge of the concept of cryptocurrencies and blockchain will be needed, the main requirement is strong management experience. Like most project management jobs, it will be useful for you to have a degree in business management or specific project management qualifications.

Experience in project management will be a big plus, especially if it is experience managing blockchain projects.

(4) Cryptocurrency writer

If you’re a talented creative writer, there are a number of opportunities to write content for new blockchain and cryptocurrency ventures.

With the ever-increasing expansion of the industry, many journalism companies are on the lookout for someone who can provide well-written and easy-to-understand coverage of new developments.

New start-ups are also hiring social media-savvy writers to keep their communities up to date and write website copy.

If you’re interested in technology, innovation, programming, and finance, then writing about cryptocurrency is definitely an option.

Job requirements:

To work in this industry, you must have excellent written communication skills and a passion for crypto and blockchain. You should be aware of the latest fintech trends and be willing to research and write news to deadlines.

(5) Crypto manager

A good manager not only must properly understand blockchain technology and most major cryptocurrencies, but they must also be capable of managing a team to ensure the implementation of all necessary tasks.

The manager should be capable of answering technical questions about the project they’re working on and be on top of new developments at all times.

Job requirements:

While in-depth knowledge of programming and blockchain is not strictly required for this role, it is important to have an idea of ​​the general specifics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In addition, you must have necessary education in the field of business management or a recognised management qualification, while successful experience within the field is also a huge plus.


Just like any other industry, the growth of the cryptocurrency industry has resulted in more jobs and revenue.

These are just five cryptocurrency jobs that you can apply for if you have the required skills in Russia. Be open minded and ready to adapt to the changes in the work environment and cryptocurrency industry in general to stay ahead of the curve.

If you want to work in the field of cryptocurrencies, then you will have no problems finding vacancies in this industry. Working in this space involves overcoming difficulties, learning new things, and doing the impossible.

Read more about the growth of blockchain jobs with Coin Rivet here.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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