Solve.Care concludes second React Native course to develop young talent

The Solve.Care academy has concluded its second React Native course, which offers professional training to young people

Global healthcare platform Solve.Care has concluded a React Native course to aid young people with professional training in a variety of industries including business analysis and DevOps.

The four top graduates have now joined Solve.Care’s team. The platform leverages blockchain technology for administration, coordination, and payments.

According to a press release, recent graduate Olga Yatusk stated that the course presented a “life-changing” opportunity and that it taught her new technologies and techniques as well as software skills.

“We are teaching more than just technology at Solve.Care Academy. It is also essential that our students embody the Solve.Care culture and mindset, and, as graduates of the program, come to fully grasp the disposition and aptitude required for working in a global company,” the company said.

“Instilling our values into each class, we teach students how to be professionals in their field and operate in a dynamic environment. We’re delighted to welcome four of our recent graduates to the team.”

The Solve.Care platform creates an ecosystem for patient-centric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored eligibility criteria.

Solve.Care is the first company to utilise digital currency and blockchain technology in healthcare for value-based payments.

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