EDITORIAL PICKS: Behind the headlines

A detailed look back at the stories that lit up the Coin Rivet newsdesk this week...

We live and breathe news here at Coin Rivet. None of this ripping off other websites and regurgitating material as our own. We employ journalists to do actual journalism. That’s why we can bring you original content all day, every day.

Then we get to look back at our work and show you why it was important. So here goes…

First up is a little gem that kicked off our news week with one of the most famous singers in the world – crypto-fan Rihanna – being handed an ambassadorial role by the government of Barbados.

Arise Ambassador Fenty…


Why is this a good story? Because it involves crypto, a remarkably famous woman, and a great little angle. Sure, Rihanna might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but she’s known to invest in crypto and that pretty much makes her an ambassador for this space too.

US taking notice…

US congressman introducing three bills relating to blockchain and cryptocurrency? This is a major leap forward towards adoption, and a very important story.

Why so important? Put it this way, anyone in any political sphere in the US presenting so much as a conversation about blockchain or crypto would have been laughed out of the room five or six years ago. Yet here we are seeing Tom Emmer introducing three bills. This is huge!

Dominic on a roll…

Dominic Frisby’s crypto analysis. This is Dominic’s second weekly article for us and you can’t fault it. It’s very accurate, and you can see how much research, experience, intelligence and instinct has gone into it.

The Obe Wan-Cryptobi of Coin Rivet has nailed the markets on both occasions. All hail, I say! And I can’t wait for Monday’s article.

All eyes on Japan…

Japan’s SBI trials retail payments using its own coin. This is a big story for two reasons – 1) If we see this working across Japan over the next three years the model will be adopted elsewhere very quickly, and, 2) This is Nawaz Sulemanji’s debut article for Coin Rivet.

Yeah, so what, I hear you say. Yes, others are doing similar things in the space but I would urge anyone with an interest in retail to keep an eye on this – I have a feeling SBI are on to something big here.

Keep your eye on Nawaz too – he’s going to be a superstar writer in this space. Trust me, he knows his stuff. He lives and breathes crypto!

Google u-turn…

I do not need to explain why this is one of the biggest stories of the week – it just is…

Hear hear, deVere…

Curiously, this may actually be the biggest story of the week. It shot to the top spot for trending and has had a hell of a lot of views…

There’s an excitement and buzz about Ripple on a scale not seen in this space for a while, so when the deVere CEO gives it the nod, you can’t ignore it. Massive news.

Spending money on investigations…

The dark side of this industry will always raise its head, no matter what. But the reason this story interests me is because you can see how much is being spent on allowing good to triumph over bad…

So proud of Coin Rivet…

I’ve got skin in this article, and I only raise it as an editorial pick because I want to highlight once again how brilliant the #BlockchainLive18 event was. We had people queuing up to talk to us and tell us how pleased they were to see actual journalism in this space. Really made me incredibly proud of Coin Rivet.

That’s all for this week. Can’t wait to see what the next seven days brings. That’s what happens when you let journalists loose in this space – we get a buzz out of it!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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