Bidooh snags deal to roll-out 10,000 screens across South Korea

These will be installed in book stores, corporate offices and shopping centres

Blockchain venture Bidooh, has inked a contract with DBDB Labs, a media agency based in Seoul, to utilise its decentralised digital billboard platform across 10,000 screens in South Korea.

Roll-out will take place over a period of three years. 2,000 screens currently in operation will be fitted with a Bidooh Box and a further 8,000 new ones will be deployed. The deal follows the trial of a screen currently live in a corporate office in Seoul, which uses facial analysis technology to provide targeted, real-time advertising.

It follows on from an agreement to implement Bidooh’s technology across 3,000 screens in Eastern Europe and the support of digital exchanges such as OKEx, an advertiser on the Group’s screens and participator in its ICO.

New territory

“This contract expands our digital billboard platform to a new territory, demonstrates the scale of Bidooh’s commercial traction and ties in with our strategy of building quality partnerships across the globe,” says Abdul Alim, Co-founder and CEO.

“The South Korean marketplace has a highly sophisticated understanding of blockchain’s benefits and we consider this contract a further vindication of our decision to adopt this technology to improve transparency and engagement on our platform.”

Che Min Jang, CEO of DBDB Labs, adds: “The platform is changing out-of-home advertising by significantly reducing costs for advertisers, while increasing speed of delivery and transparency. It is available to businesses of all sizes, which opens up out-of-home advertising to smaller advertisers where there is clear demand. We are excited by the opportunity to leverage Bidooh’s technology across 10,000 screens in South Korea and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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