
The people who make my Twitter feed worthwhile

Here's a list of developers and influencers who I enjoy following on Twitter

Since the start of the new year, many people have put together their list of people who they like to follow on Twitter. So, not one to be left out, here is mine. Some are developers in the crypto space, some are influencers, and some are not for the feint-hearted!

As a disclaimer, these are in no particular order:

  1. @WhalePanda – A long-time Bitcoiner and member of the Magical Crypto Friends podcast, WhalePanda provides a link between the fun and serious sides of cryptocurrencies.
  2. @RNR_0 – Lead developer for Viacoin and fufiller of prophecies, Romano is certainly not for everyone. He is quick to call out those who are suspect and is someone you don’t want to make an enemy of.
  3. @bitcoinbella_ – Bella provides educational videos and tweets as she journeys through the cryptocurrency valley, but to be honest, I follow her more for the dog pictures.
  4. @marco_peereboom – Marco is someone I was lucky enough to interview recently. I would like to say I follow Marco for his insights on Decred development, but more importantly, I like to see what food he is cooking up.
  5. @dum – On the list more for his Twitch stream than his Twitter. Recently seen wearing a large tin foil hat discussing conspiracy theories. What’s not to love?
  6. @fluffypony – Another member of the Magical Crypto Club (apologies to Samson and Charlie Lee for not making the list – better luck in 2020).
  7. @CryptoCobain – Cobain has been around for a while now and is not the most active Twitter user. However, what he does say should be paid close attention to. Often provides a decent joke here and there.
  8. @Loomdart – For any exchange-related issues, Loomdart is there to support you. When not dealing with the support requests of thousands, he also provides charts and some terrible tweets to entertain you with.
  9. @maxkeiser – Influential in getting many people buying Bitcoin in the early days, Max often shoots from the hip. Whilst you might not always agree with him, he usually has a lot to say and isn’t shy about saying it.
  10. @cryptanzee – A new addition to the list and in here for the quality of memes I saw coming from him/her in December. Hoping he/she can continue into 2019, but this is yet to be seen.

Here it is then. Ten people who are good to follow on Twitter!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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