Walmart stars as blockchain tech becomes boring

Revolutions don’t always unfold the way the revolutionaries had in mind

In 2017, blockchain technology was a revolution that was supposed to disrupt the global financial system. In 2018, it was a disappointment. This year, it will start to become mundane, and Walmart will be a key player, according to the MIT Technology Review.

It notes that Walmart has been testing a private blockchain system for years as a food supply tracker. The retailer will start using this next year and has instructed its suppliers of leafy greens to join by September.

“Although still new to many people, blockchains are a decade in the making (with precursor technologies that are even older), and the crypto world has recovered from massive (in percentage terms) price declines before,” MIT Technology Review comments. 

“Many of the developers who flooded into the space in 2017 are still working in it; innovative-sounding projects are still alive and even close to bearing fruit. And several big corporations plan to launch major blockchain-based projects in 2019.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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