DroppingNow, the All-in Dutch Auction NFT Marketplace

11 months ago the CryptoSlam team began building an idea that has the potential to be a "game-changer" for buyers and sellers in the NFT community.

Today, the months of research, embarrassingly long meetings, and hard work likely pale in comparison to the excitement of dropping what they’ve created.Today the CryptoSlam team is proud to announce DroppingNow as the first all-in Dutch auction NFT marketplace.

Every day new NFT collections are being released into the market. At this point, there seems to be an infinite supply of NFTs being minted. In turn, buyers are flooded with so many opportunities that even the whales don’t have enough time & capital to invest in every “good project” they hear about. The influx of opportunities presents several challenges to NFT traders, buyers, and sellers. Imagine there’s a moderately savvy NFT collector who doesn’t have an endless supply of crypto. They just found a 10,000 PFP collection featuring NFT monkeys that they feel could be the next BAYC. The only problem is they don’t have the liquidity to purchase. What should they do? The most logical answer is to sell some NFTs and use the combined revenue to jump into the new project. But what is the best marketplace to sell NFTs to gain liquidity?

Their answer is DroppingNow.

This unique NFT marketplace was created to allow sellers the ability to gain liquidity while earning tokenized rewards for selling their NFTs. The strategy is simple: if it is listed, someone will buy it. The stakes are high, but so are the rewards. Additionally, Buyers will have the opportunity to get real-time price discovery and find hidden gems. Much like sellers, buyers will also earn rewards for purchasing NFTs on DroppingNow.

One of the most interesting aspects of the DroppingNow NFT marketplace is the tokenized rewards system. Unlike most projects, there is no initial distribution of DroppingNow’s primary token, $DN. For each sale that takes place on DroppingNow, one $DN is minted to the CryptoSlam wallet and one $DN is minted to the seller. Also, the platform allows holders to receive marketplace fees from a specific collection according to the % of supply they hold (pro-rata). These fees are distributed in the form of Dropper Tokens (DT). Imagine tokenizing the rights to a collection’s royalties; that’s exactly what Dropper Tokens facilitate. Trustless, transparent and tradable rights to the royalties of a collection, simply from holding the collection’s Dropper Token.

New NFTs will be listed on our marketplace daily, and prices will drop every minute. Check the DroppingNow marketplace to find hidden gems, gain liquidity, and get real-time NFT price discovery. Sellers can list NFTs and start earning immediately. DroppingNow also offers the ability for sellers to release primary drops, which allows them to earn even more rewards.

For a full breakdown of the DroppingNow Token Economy, check out the Tokenomics Infographic here.

Explore the DroppingNow NFT Marketplace today.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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