Transcript of OneCoin lawyer’s court case revealed

A fascinating aspect of the recent trial of OneCoin lawyer Mark Scott has come to light with the release of court papers detailing the transcript of the 51-year-old’s trial.

The former attorney was found guilty of multiple fraud in November 2019 and was due to be sentenced tomorrow. However, an appeal for more time to prepare his case was granted – much to the dismay of OneCoin victims around the world –  giving him until April.

Police photo of Mark Scott

Police photo of Mark Scott

Scott, of Florida, faces a potential 80-year jail sentence for his part in the $4bn scam masterminded by self-proclaimed ‘Cryptoqueen’ Ruja Ignatova.

Igantova fled – believed to have been spirited off by friends within the Bulgarian mafia – as the net closed in on her cruel Ponzi scheme in 2017.

Her younger brother – 33-year-old Konstantin Ignatov – was captured along with Mark Scott. Sentencing for Ignatov is on an almost permanent hold after he agreed to a plea bargain that will see him assist the FBI in the search for his sister. He had been facing 90 years behind bars.

He may yet go on to assist the Secret Service after US President Donald Trump recently proposed to put the policing of cryptocurrencies under its remit.

Police photo of Konstantin Ignatov

Police photo of Konstantin Ignatov

Scott, meanwhile, had left OneCoin victims fearing he was plotting to avoid prison altogether after highlighting a mystery medical condition that would hinder his ability to attend a sentencing originally scheduled for February 21.

They should, however, take some heart from the release of the court papers which detail the damning evidence which had mounted against the fraudster who is believed to have pocketed around $50m from the proceeds of his laundering.

Beyond any doubt

The fascinating document connects Scott to a string of OneCoin big players – some of whom are still on the run – and proves his guilt beyond any doubt.

The papers also detail a series of text messages exchanged with some of Ruja Ignatova’s lieutenants in the OneCoin hierarchy.

In a dramatic early twist in proceedings, the transcript also offers an insight into the paranoia within OneCoin’s masterminds who were fearful Mark Scott was actually “a highly-placed US informant”.

The remarkable 84-page document has been made available by Court Listener and can be viewed in full here…

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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