Roger Ver claims future of crypto is brighter than ever despite decline in price CEO Roger Ver has remained bullish on the cryptocurrency space in spite of November's aggressive move to the downside

Roger Ver has claimed that the future of cryptocurrency is “brighter than ever” in spite of the recent move to the downside.

On the eve of the Bitcoin Cash hard fork, the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem lost around $90 billion in terms of market cap as a result of aggressive sell pressure across the markets.

Bitcoin breached yearly lows and the long-standing support at $6,150, falling to as low as $3,450 on certain exchanges before establishing a new level of support.

But in spite of this, Ver, who was a key figure on the Bitcoin Cash ABC side of the hard fork, claims that he’s still “extremely bullish on the entire ecosystem”.

Speaking to Bloomberg, he said: “Long term, the future is brighter than ever. There’s more awareness, there’s more adoption, there’s more stuff happening all over the world, so of course I’m extremely bullish on the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem and Bitcoin Cash specifically.”

When asked about how the emergence of exchange hacks and Ponzi schemes will affect the space, Ver replied: “If anything it’s brought additional awareness to the ecosystem. The fact that hackers are trying to hack it shows that it’s worth something. If anything it’s just more bullish signals that cryptocurrency is here to stay and here for the long term.”

“I think we need to build the tool to make it easy for people to use cryptocurrency as money; to buy and sell things and pay their bills, pay their rent, even pay their taxes.”

The last comment was in reference to the state of Ohio’s announcement revealing that citizens would be able to pay their taxes in Bitcoin.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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