SportsCastr launches token sale

SportsCastr, a live streaming platform, has launched a token sale of FanChain, a cryptocurrency developed for the sports industry.

The FanChain token powers a decentralised sports entertainment ecosystem that aims to align the interests of fans, athletes, teams, leagues and media entities.

SportsCastr claims younger people prefer receiving sports commentary directly from other fans as oppose to via traditional broadcasts. Commentary from fans can be integrated into sports live streams through SportsCastr.

The project is backed by NBA Commissioner Emeritus David Stern, NFL Tight End Vernon Davis, Syracuse Men’s Basketball Coach Jim Boeheim and NBA All-Star Steve Smith. The FanChain token will be available through a private token sale beginning on 30th June on QRYPTOS.

“We launched SportsCastr to revolutionise the fan viewing experience, and launching a cryptocurrency to power and build this ecosystem is the natural next step,” says Kevin April, CEO and Co-founder of SportsCastr.

The FanChain token can be “stamped” with metadata that associates it with teams, leagues or sporting events. This allows SportsCastr and other members of the FanChain ecosystem to reward fans for creating value for their favourite teams. Brands and organisations can also target and reward their most passionate fans.

Users will be able to exchange their tokens for rewards, prizes, subscriptions to premium channels, digital goods and sports memorabilia. “It’s all about personalisation and inter-connectivity,” says Stern. “FanChain can act as the bridge between existing sports properties, which currently have no way to talk to each other.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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