Project Genesis will be available on Steam

The team behind blockchain-based first-person shooter and space combat game Project Genesis has announced that it will soon be listed on the popular Steam platform

The team behind Project Genesis – a first-person shooter and space combat game built with blockchain technology – has announced the game will soon be listed on massively popular distribution platform Steam.

A fresh cinematic trailer to accompany the listing has also been released, as well as an inaugural development stream on the Project Genesis Steam page to give fans a glimpse into the upcoming game from within a private playtest session.

The trailer tells the story of how mankind rediscovered ancient technology that allows for the advancement of space travel, accurately setting the scene for the game.

“The initial stream is the beginning of broader transparency in developing Project Genesis by utilising the Steam platform to create a community-driven development model,” the firm announced.

“The community will play a crucial role in helping direct feature priorities. Core contributors will be recognised with four unique badge designations to be presented on both ships and leaderboards.”

The four unique badge designations are as follows:

  • Test pilots: Community members focused on identifying and resolving game bugs.
  • Ambassadors: Community members that help with engagement on behalf of the game, answering questions and offering knowledgeable information across social platforms.
  • Pioneers: Community members who create and share original content across social platforms.
  • Ace pilots: Community members who have deep gameplay expertise and are focused on competitive mechanics and play-balance.


Interested in reading more Project Genesis-related stories? Discover more about Project Genesis’ alpha phase, which is set to launch this summer.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice. We do not give advice on financial products.

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